Child Molestation: Cornerstone Of Islam, But Not In My Neighborhood


Child Molestation is a tough topic to discuss on the radio.

Listen as veteran talk show host John McCulloch interviews freelance author Dave Gibson and they discuss the chilling aspects of Gibson’s recent article Child Molestation: Cornerstone of Islam.

Child molestation is not only widespread throughout the Muslim world, but is completely accepted as a standard practice by Muslim men…

Several so-called “moderate Muslim” countries have no minimum age for girls to marry…Yemeni clerics agreed that puberty begins at the age of nine, therefore that is when husbands should begin having sex with their child brides…


Considering the fact that President Obama is bringing scores of so-called ‘refugees’ here from Islamic nations, it is a likely assumption that we can expect to see a rise in the number of child sexual assaults where these ‘refugees’ are relocated. 

Q: Who decides “where these refugees are located?”

A: Obama and the Refugee Resettlement Industry “secretly plant” tens of thousands of Muslim men into our neighborhoods.

We have stringent laws protecting children from child molesters in every state. This makes it inconceivable that we would allow a single child molester to be “secretly planted” in one of our communities as part of Obama’s plan to fundamentally transform the country that he despises.

A man who can take a nine year-old bride in his country could now be secretly living down the street from my nine year-old grandchild.

– No Way!

That’s what the Chaldeans, Iraqi Christian refugees from Muslim persecution, are proclaiming as they, along with their neighbors, protest the construction of yet another mosque in Sterling Heights, MI, a community that has welcomed them and helped them to assimilate and become self-sufficient.


One Chaldean speaker … warned that the Muslims will do to America “what they did in Iraq.”

This is not…“Islamophobia,”… the Chaldean speaker speaks from experience.

What can we do?

Don’t let our Supreme Leader decide…

Barack Obama

where to plant the next wave of refugees including child molesters!

Make sure YOU get to decide. Sign the Petition.

No Refugee Resettlement without Local OK.

Then make it go VIRAL!

Watch the “Pockets of Resistance” grow on the interactive map.


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