By: Cliff Kincaid
In John le Carre’s Cold War spy thriller, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, the Russian mole in the British intelligence service says to the spy hunter who caught him, “I had to pick a side, George. It was an aesthetic choice as much as a moral one. The West has grown so very ugly, don’t you think?” A similar line surfaced when a West Point Cadet, Spenser Rapone, was photographed in 2018 with the phrase “Communism will win” in his cap.
Their belief in the Marxist theory of history (historical materialism) has convinced them communism will triumph by moving countries such as the United States through stages of slavery, feudalism, capitalism, and socialism. Former President Trump said in his CPAC speech on Sunday, in commenting on Democratic Party policies, “…we will fight the onslaught of radicalism, socialism, and indeed it all leads to communism once and for all.”
As I note in The Sword of Revolution and The Communist Apocalypse, the Marxists see the U.S. as a society based on slavery which has since become the leading capitalist nation and must therefore be “transformed” into socialism on the road to communism. Hence, we currently see Marxists and their fellow travelers refer to slavery as the basis for American capitalism and the need for reparations.
The book, Lincoln’s Marxists, notes that Karl Marx and his followers took an active interest in the Civil War and believed Lincoln’s subjugation of the South would advance the world communist movement. Barack Hussein Obama’s communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, taught at the Abraham Lincoln School in Chicago. While Marxists like Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Weydemeyer fought in the Union army, there is no hard evidence that Lincoln personally embraced Marxism.
Looking at this through Marxist eyes, the U.S. developed beyond an economic system based on slavery to be in the current stage between capitalism and socialism, what is called the highest stage of capitalism. This is when the Marxists capture the major organs of finance capital, including hedge funds, major corporations, and the means of communication. It looks like fascism but Marxists regard it as a significant stage on the road to world communism.
It’s Communism, Stupid
In order to avoid this ultimate fate, including re-education camps, conservatives must identify the communists for what they are and understand their tactics and strategy. Calling this “woke capitalism” or “cancel culture” won’t suffice. And denouncing “McCarthyism” only confuses people about the need for congressional internal security committees to expose and identify communists. Until that happens, Trevor Loudon has the best on-line encyclopedia, KeyWiki, to keep track of the “enemy within.”
We have lost valuable time. A tribunal to investigate, expose, and prosecute communist crimes has never been held, in contrast to the Nuremberg trials for the Nazis and the International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties is still being held on a yearly basis. Literally, dozens of communist groups operate on American soil, in open violation of the Communist Control Act, which is still on the books. (It was introduced by a Democrat, Senator Hubert Humphrey, and signed by a Republican president, Dwight Eisenhower.)
Our problems as a nation go back decades, to the time when the OSS, the predecessor to the CIA, was led by William J. Donovan and recruited communists out of Nazi Germany, ostensibly to understand and fight the Nazis. But these Marxists had a different agenda. As documented in our report, Cultural Marxism and America’s Moral Collapse, these Marxists developed a new series of stages of socialism in which various “oppressed” peoples wake up to their historical consciousness and demand their “rights.” The popular description is “identity politics.”
As demonstrated by the case of Barack Hussein Obama, blacks were always targeted for exploitation, since they were perceived as the historical victims of slavery and could be used as cannon fodder for the revolution. But “gay rights” became a cause that was literally made up in America by a member of the Communist Party, Harry Hay, in order to further divide American society and undermine its moral foundations. Today, “transgenders” are the latest to join the Marxist “struggle.”
Over the decades, as moral standards changed and suffered a decline, even in the intelligence agencies, what used to be known as “perverts” were hired and promoted. At the same time, Christian anti-communists were weaned out of the agency or ostracized as dissidents.
In fact, despite the communist-created uproar over “McCarthyism,” some of the key communists were never exposed at the right time.
The book, A Very Principled Boy, by former CIA officer Mark A. Bradley, tells the story of communist Duncan Lee, who infiltrated the OSS for the Soviets and was never prosecuted or convicted. Communist defector Elizabeth Bentley exposed Lee, but he continued to deny serving the communists until his death. He was eventually exposed definitively as a Soviet agent by the Venona intercepts of Soviet messages by the NSA. One of the Venona messages named Lee, who worked directly for OSS director Donovan, by the cover name “Koch.” But Donovan called Lee a “very principled boy” who would not betray his country.
(The Venona intercepts were not used at the time to prosecute Lee because of the need to keep the nature and success of the surveillance a secret from the Soviets.)
“The sad truth,” notes researcher Mark LaRochelle, “is that Lee was just one of many identified Soviet agents in the OSS. Others, as we now know from numerous impeccable sources, included Maurice Halperin, Carl Marzani, Franz Neumann, Helen Tenney, Julius, and Bella Joseph and Lee’s Oxford classmate, Donald Niven Wheeler.”
The Greatest Generation
The Russians provoked World War II with their Hitler-Stalin Pact but when Hitler attacked Russia, U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt arranged support for Stalin. FDR’s administration was penetrated by communists such as State Department spy and United Nations founder Alger Hiss. Later, Hiss would help arrange Soviet control of Eastern Europe. Meanwhile, Stalin stole America’s nuclear secrets by using American traitors in the atom bomb project. Later, the Chinese communists stole more advanced nuclear secrets from the U.S.
Stalin helped Mao take China and sparked communist aggression in Korea and Vietnam. The U.S. settled on a stalemate in Korea, after American General Douglas MacArthur was prohibited from taking the fight to the communist-controlled Chinese mainland. He was fired by President Harry Truman, who decided on a policy of containment of, rather than victory over, communism.
Vietnam was abandoned to the communists when Democrats in Congress, organized in a group that later became known as the Progressive Caucus, objected to further aid to anti-communist South Vietnam.
General George S. Patton had warned the U.S. that Russian communism was as big a threat as Nazism. But the American government didn’t want to hear that. And that made Patton a target. The book, Target Patton, by Robert Wilcox, argues that Patton was assassinated. Later, President Kennedy was assassinated by a Marxist, Lee Harvey Oswald, and Robert F. Kennedy suffered the same fate. His assassin was a Palestinian Marxist.
Robert Orlando’s film, “Silence Patton,” says, “Patton’s legacy confronts us with one haunting question about World War II: why did the allies spend years spilling the blood of thousands of men to oust a dictator in Germany and recapture the land from the German Reich only to surrender those liberated lands to a Russian tyrant in a matter of months?”
The Greatest Generation, in other words, gave their lives to make the world safe for communism. It’s a terrible tragedy. The major change in communist strategy has been the replacement of China over Russia as the leader of the world communist movement. The Sino-Soviet split was a ruse, a dialectical maneuver, that was gladly accepted by traitors in government and the corporate sector.
The Specter of McCarthyism
As this began to unfold, Senator Joe McCarthy was trying to understand the nature of communist infiltration. The Communists demonized him, coining the term “McCarthyism.” On the eve of investigating communist infiltration of the CIA, as documented by J.C. Hawkins in the book Betrayal at Bethesda, McCarthy went to Bethesda Naval Hospital for a knee problem and came out in a body bag, dead from hepatitis.
Meanwhile, communists in Hollywood claimed persecution, even though all of the members of the “Hollywood Ten” were guilty of subversion. All of this is documented in Allan Ryskind’s book Hollywood Traitors.
Brennan’s Leverage Over Obama
The corruption is so deep that, in order to bring down Trump, his CIA director, Gina Haspel, had reportedly arranged the transfer of the phony Russia dossier to the FBI. It was paid for by Hillary and used KGB sources. Haspel was mentored by Obama CIA Director John Brennan, who voted communist in college and rose briskly through the ranks of the agency. It was Brennan’s private firm, the Analysis Corp., that was accused of improperly examining — and perhaps doctoring — Obama’s passport files before he became president.
Our intelligence agencies failed to warn the American people about the Chinese threat since they accepted communist disinformation that the Communist Chinese had given up on communism, and the China Joe Administration now wants to avoid even mentioning that the deadly Covid-19 disease came out of China. The evidence suggests a laboratory origin.
Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking official ever to have defected from the former Soviet bloc, was in hiding in the U.S. and recently passed away from Covid. But he provided a statement for one of my conferences on the significance of the Obama presidency, saying, “I walked in Marxist moccasins for many years, and I can see how President Obama could have bought into the siren call of Marxism…”
That siren call — of a world in which exploitation and alienation are eliminated and human progress is assured — has been accepted by so many in the United States that some might say the end is near. The communists are winning.
As geopolitical analyst Jeff Nyquist has noted, the well-documented infiltration of the CIA by the KGB and the post-Soviet special services (not to mention China) leads to suspicions that the agency has been compromised from the start. “Today,” he notes, “the suspicion must be that the agency is under outright Russian control.”
Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, had declared in his speech, “October and Perestroika: The Revolution Continues,” on November 2, 1987, that, “In October 1917 we parted with the old world, rejecting it once and for all. We are moving towards a new world, the world of Communism. We shall never turn off that road!” He understood that the U.S. would want to be fooled by the “collapse” of communism, conducted under the cover of Marxist dialectical maneuvers known as perestroika and glasnost.
Today, the Communist Chinese are using the tactics of Marxist dialectics, described by Chinese Red Army Commander Lin Biao as a “spiritual atom bomb,” far superior to the real thing. In the case of Covid-19, the maneuver is clear: China will save the world it has destroyed.
The destruction of America’s economy through Covid-19 and the lockdowns has already led to the creation of new digital currencies, threatening the dollar’s dominance in world trade, as out-of-control federal spending and inflationary pressures threaten America’s fiscal future. Equally important, the Christian and moral foundations of America’s constitutional republic have been undermined to the point where it looks like America is ripe for the picking.
We can’t want until 2024. The communist apocalypse is approaching.
*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org
Good informative article as far as it goes. But it ignores the most importand communist subversive in history, the pretender Barack Hussein Obama II d.o.b. 4 August 1961.
And nearly everybody ignores and even covers up and protects Obama and his ilk. This includes Loudon and Kincaid.
Why do they not call for a competent comprehensive official investigation of Obama? BTW, his real birth parents were probably Stanley Armour Dunham and a Polynesian (Hawai’ian) girl, both of them citizens of the United States. He probably has not a scintilla of black African genetic heritage, the main pillar of his political appeal.
Almost certainly his constitutional ineligibility comes from his relinquishment of American citizenship, not from an accident of birth.
It’s very strange that Loudon and Kincaid make no effort to find the truth about Obama. It’s a major reason why the communists are winning.