By: Diana West
Watch the video or read the transcript (below) — both courtesy MEMRI — and tell me who is our friend here: the suspected-ISIS Sunni bomber or the Shiite Houthi victims?
Can’t find a friend? That’s because Benyamin Netanyahu is right: The enemy of my enemy really is not my friend but my enemy.
Preacher: Our belief in Allah will increase after today. We will triumph over their deceit and their arrogance. Allah is with us…
Worshippers: Death to America.
Death to Israel.
Curse upon the Jews.
Victory to Islam.
Allah Akbar.
Death to America.
Death to Israel.
Curse upon the Jews.
Victory to…
An arrow on-screen points to a man walking through the crowd, a bomb goes off and worshippers cry out
From TRP:
“The nations fall into the pitfalls they have dug for others; the trap they set has snapped on them.” —Psalm 9:15 (NLB)