Nazi Oaks And “Hitler’s Green Killing Machine” – America’s Survival With Cliff Kincaid

America’s Survival

Dear Friend of America’s Survival,

Tonight’s America’s Survival TV will feature the author of Nazi Oaks, a book on the Nazi roots of the radical environmental movement. Author Mark Musser and I will examine the reality of “Hitler’s Green Killing Machine.” Musser notes, “The beastly nature of the holocaust is best understood through the barbaric naturism of the Nazis, rooted in a racially charged ecology that would not be undone until all the smoke from the great battlefields and gas chambers of World War II was cleared.”

This topic is increasingly relevant because Pope Francis has embraced the radical environment movement and is planning to release an “encyclical on ecology,” probably in March. He has talked of “Mother Earth.” He said, “Care for sister earth, mother earth, because if not, she will respond with destruction.”

The Roman Catholic Church has embraced Obama’s agenda in key respects – “climate change” legislation and treaties, designed to transfer wealth to the rest of the world, and amnesty for illegal aliens.

Don’t miss this special edition of America’s Survival TV. Watch on Roku tonight at 9:00 om Eastern or click here to watch over the Internet at that time.

Austen Ivereigh, author of a new biography called The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope, says the proposed climate change encyclical “is the highest form of papal teaching,” a letter “that’s sent to the bishops and clergy and indirectly to all the Catholics of the world.” He said Francis is absolutely positioning himself in the “radical stream of the Catholic tradition” and that he has “involved a number of theologians who have been, as it were, out of favor for some time, including the Brazilian Leonardo Boff and other Latin American liberation theologians, who have long critiqued capitalism from the point of view of its effect on the environment.”

Liberation theology was manufactured by the old KGB to dupe Christians into supporting Marxism. At the same time, Pope Francis has greeted Russia’s Vladimir Putin at the Vatican as a fellow Christian.

You need to know where the Pope is heading and what role radical environmentalism played in the Nazi holocaust.

For America’s Survival,

Cliff Kincaid


Author: Admin

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