The Watcher’s Council Weasel Of The Week!! – 09/18/14

The Watcher’s Council

Fanfare!! It’s time to present this weeks’ statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!

Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This weeks’ nominees were all certainly deserving, but one stood out this week as the overwhelming winner..

Yes, it’s Maxine ‘No Justice, No Peace’ Waters, Democrat Congresswoman from Crazyfornia!

The Independent Sentinel: For telling the Council of Pakistan Affairs and Islamic Society of Orange County that Sharia Law is compatible with the U.S. Constitution and for telling them that anyone who disagrees is a bigot.

So much for free speech and the right to dissent.

While Ms. Waters certainly deserves the award for this bit o’ bigotry, (can you imagine how she’d look in a burka and niquab) this is really something of a career achievement award.

She represents California’s 43rd Congressional District, which is centered in South Central Los Angeles and includes Inglewood, Hawthorne and parts of Carson and Torrance (shsssh! She doesn’t live in the District, but in upscale Hancock Park).

She got her nickname from leading chants during the 1992 Rodney King riots, which she insisted should be called a ‘rebellion’ rather than a riot. She described the violence in which 58 people were killed as “a spontaneous reaction to a lot of injustice.” And speaking of injustice, when she was asked about the widespread looting of Korean-owned businesses, she shrugged it off, saying: “There were mothers who took this as an opportunity to take some milk, to take some bread, to take some shoes… They are not crooks.”

Ms. Waters also has a fond spot in her heart for commie dictator Fidel Castro, whom she thanked for – wait for it – providing help to those who needed to “flee political persecution.”

I have a feeling Congresswoman Waters never toured Fidel’s gulag on the Isle of Pines.

One of the people she was referring to was black ‘activist’ Assata Shakur, and in 1998, Waters wrote a letter to Fidel Castro asking him not to extradite Shakur. This was in spite of the fact that Shakur is an escaped convicted murderer, a former member of the Black Panther Party and The Black Liberation Army, and is classified by the FBI, with good reason, as a domestic terrorist.

On the other hand, you can’t say she’s not consistent. As a prominent member of the Congressional Black Caucus, she put major pressure on President Clinton in 1999 to ship 6-year-old Elian Gonzales back to Castro’s Cuba.

Economics? Of course! Remember this?

“This liberal would be about socializing … uh, umm. … Would be about, basically, taking over, and the government running all of your companies.”

Hey, socialism and ‘justified’ theft is good when it comes to whitey and them Ko-reans, right! And do I have to tell you she favors reparations for slavery and co-authored a bill to mandate it with Senator John Conyers (D-MI)? Or that she was a major force in helping to KO any oversight of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae when the Bush Administration attempted to institute it?

Of course, let’s not get the wrong idea. Ms. Waters is actually pretty savvy when it comes to finance. Her own, at least.

Chuck Neubauer and Ted Rohrlich wrote a major piece in the LA Times in 2004 to the effect that Maxine Waters’ relatives had made more than $1 million during the preceding eight years by doing business with companies, candidates and causes that Waters had direct influence over because of her position in Congress. They claimed she and her husband helped a company get government bond business and that her daughter Karen Waters and son Edward Waters have profited from her connections. Waters reply? “They do their business and I do mine.”

Oh, indeed she does!

She also holds the distinction of being named one of the 14 most corrupt members of Congress by Business Insider in 2011. Considering whom else was in Congress at that time, this was and is a major achievement. She’s a superstar.

F’rinstence, back in September of 2008, Waters lobbied for TARP funds for OneUnited Bank, because she claimed it was part of an association of minority controlled banks. This happened when she was on the Financial Services Committee and had a voice in determining where TARP funds would go.

Waters’ husband Sidney Williams just happened to have been a board member of OneUnited and was, and still is, a stockholder.

Part of her lobbying efforts involved arranging personal meetings with her husband and Treasury Department officials without ever disclosing her personal financial interest. OneUnited ended up with a healthy taxpayer bailout of $12 million.

Then Waters was brought up on Ethics charges, largely because another part of her lobbying involved Chairperson Barney Frank and he needed to cover his own capacious behind.

Having a choice between a trial in the House or pleading guilty, Waters was savvy enough to choose a ‘trial’ knowing that (a) after seeing the wrist slap her fellow BCC compadre Charley Rangel got for doing far worse, even if she was found guilty it wouldn’t amount to much and (b) the Democrat dominated House wasn’t going to push too hard to prove charges against a prominent member of the Congressional Black Caucus and they would likely stonewall and drop the charges before the newly elected GOP house was seated in January of 2011.

Which is exactly what happened.

For racism, outsize nastiness, hypocrisy and sheer grasping corruption, Maxine Waters richly deserves her Golden Weasel. She’s literally one of the best weasels to be found in the parasitical halls of government. Accept it and all that goes with it, Congresswoman.

Make sure to tune in every Monday for the Watcher’s Forum and every Tuesday morning, when we reveal the weeks’ nominees for Weasel of the Week!

And remember, every Wednesday, the Council has its weekly contest with the members nominating two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council. The votes are cast by the Council and the results are posted on Friday morning.

It’s a weekly magazine of some of the best stuff written in the blogosphere and you won’t want to miss it… or any of the other fantabulous Watcher’s Council content.

And don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter… ’cause we’re cool like that, y’know?


Author: Admin

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