The Fourth Floor: US Government Brought Fidel Castro to Power

By: Brent Parrish
The Right Planet

Marxist-Leninists-in-Arms: Fidel Castro and Che Guevara.

This is a fascinatingly disturbing interview I watched a while back of Dr. Stanley Monteith speaking with Earl E.T. Smith, Ambassador to Cuba (1957-59), regarding the rise of Fidel Castro and U.S. involvement. Earl Smith describes a group of individuals on “the fourth floor” of the U.S. State Department who seemed to be actively engaged in facilitating Castro’s success in Cuba.

Fidel Castro interrogating a farmer. (Credits:

Since the declassification of the Venona decrypts (Google: VENONA) in 1995, a lot of information has come about about the incredibly disturbing level of infiltration of our government by Soviet operatives and their fellow travelers, particularly the State Department. As a matter of course, the Council on Foreign Relations’ publication Foreign Affairs (considered the “bible of the State Department”) typically will let you know what the State Department will be doing tomorrow.

A humanist might not be a Marxist-Leninist, but a Marxist-Leninist is always a humanist.

In my research over the past couple of years, the State Department consistently comes up as an institution that has been thoroughly compromised by nefarious forces that appear to work actively in supporting policies that favor a globalist, collectivist agenda. The State Department regularly displays an eager willingness to cede sovereign authority over to the United Nations, in my oh-so humble opinion.

Pt. 1

Pt. 2

Pt. 3


Author: Admin

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3 thoughts on “The Fourth Floor: US Government Brought Fidel Castro to Power

  1. Pingback: OrgonitePlus
  2. …. State consistently comes up as an institution that has been thoroughly compromised by nefarious forces that appear to work actively in supporting policies that favor a globalist, collectivist agenda ….

    Foggy Bottom is run by a basta*d-offspring of the Soviet agents, Alger Hiss et al, self-anointing, self-appointing and self-perpetuating brahmanas that as carefully as it perpetuates itself clones dullards and retards for its Foreign(er) Service(ing) ranks. Who live around the world in unimaginable splendor and waited on hand and foot, (usually by colonels in the intelligence service of whatever Hell-Hole they’re in) as if the nineteenth century plenipotentiaries they most closely resemble. The foreign service savants may be and are depended on to and do score on average about half of the IQ points of those who serve their breakfasts. And to faithfully represent their foreign hosts to DC.

    Since the days of the traitor, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who first systematically filled America’s bureaucracies – including State – with enemy agents, America has had no deadlier enemy on the planet than those who take our dole at Foggy Bottom! And who have more friends and allies in Moscow and Peking and Khartoum and Rangoon Cairo, than live in Georgetown, Virginia and Maryland! (And never mind in Texas!)

    Brian Richard Allen

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