How Russian activists see the Obama Administration’s response to Moscow’s aggression in the Ukraine.
Communist Barack Obama has sent socialist John Kerry to deal with KGB/FSB man Putin’s attempt to re-construct the old Soviet Bloc.
What’s Kerry gonna do? Threaten to cut off Russia’s ketchup supplies?
okay, pal, and what was Obama supposed to do? bomb?
I find all the ‘Obama is worse than anyone, ever’ rhetoric dumb.
Obama’s policies differ from Shrub’s polices very little, in most ways much worse. Romney did the nation’s first version of Obamacare.
What we are seeing is the consolidation of power by a deep state + financial oligarchs. It has zip to do with Obama’s politics, everything to do with the advice he gets, the choices given to him by the bureaucracies.
And comments to the contrary, like this one, are merely more ‘distract, divide and rule’ tactics by political interests. In this case, probably neocons, tho I haven’t followed this site.
The idea that there can be government policies beyond minimal, honest government, that produce positive gains for us in the 99% has no basis in fact. ‘National interest’ is a term to make you think some politician shares your interests — when has that happened recently?. It results in more ‘War is a Racket’, events in the Ukraine driven by Cargill and the oil majors.
They spent $5B producing the Ukrainian revolt, the coup. How does that help us in the 99%? They are trying hard to start a war to distract from the fact that their brilliant management, started by Shrub at the behest of then-Senator Obama, produced the bailout of the banks for their massive fraud, massive QE to transfer our wealth to politicians and Banksters and has caused a world-wide Greater Depression that is now sweeping toward us. Hidden by lies about everything, of course.
Lying to us is the surest message that they are not on our side. When was the last completely honest statement from anyone in gov? Ron Paul was consistently honest, there are no other national figures who are at all honest.
To be sure, that’s an Ukrainian activist in Kyiv. No way to express yourself that way in Moscow anymore.
Regarding the urgency, the more focus on them:
PS. Yes, we’re aware not only about Heinz/Ketchup but about Ketchum. Inc. lobbyists as well…