By: Dick Manasseri
we are “toast” as a free country.

Take Dead Aim at these May Primaries
Pick Off the Vulnerable RINOs
Support Critically-Needed Cruz-like Voices for Freedom

Support Dr. Greg Brannon for US Senator from North Carolina
So He Can Defeat Progressive Kay Hagan in November

Take the Glenn Beck Brannon Bomb Challenge

Support Bryan Smith
Idaho 2nd Congressional District
Target RINO Mike Simpson via a Bryan Smith Victory

Support Alex Mooney
West Virginia 2nd Congressional District
Alex Mooney is endorsed by the Madison Project, the Senate Conservative Fund, the Tea Party Express, National Right to Work, the Family Research Council and CatholicVote.org.
Send this Voice for Family & Freedom To Washington, D.C.

Support Barry Loudermilk
Georgia 11th Congressional District
Barry Loudermilk is endorsed by the Madison Project, the Senate Conservative Fund, FreedomWorks, the Family Research Council and the National Defense PAC.
Support this Air Force Vet, Small Business Owner, Experienced Legislator
The #1 RINO Must Go!

Support Matt Bevin for US Senate from Kentucky
Matt Bevin is endorsed by the Madison Project, the Senate Conservative Fund, FreedomWorks, Tea Party Patriots, Rep. Liberty Caucus, Glenn Beck & Mark Levin.
End the era of compromise, surrender and capitulation – Support Matt Bevin

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Cruz Coalition on Twitter