Dick Armey and the Progressives on the Right – Conservative Betrayal

By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton
Cross-Posted at Right Wing News


This week, Glenn Beck revealed a story that I knew of some time ago — not all the details, but the gist of it. When it occurred last year, I was horrified. But I believed that it would sort itself out in the end. I saw some negative fallout, but FreedomWorks seems to have recovered or is in the process of doing so. They are a wonderful organization and Constitutional Conservatives need them and the Senate Conservatives Fund led by Jim DeMint badly. These are the good guys and the Progressives on the Right are intent on taking them out. This story is now timely, because the coup that occurred in FreedomWorks last year during the election, is now being attempted in Congress.

From Glenn Beck:

It all began, Beck said, in what he believes was late August when he was getting ready to do a number of events with FreedomWorks.

“It’s about 4:00 in the afternoon and I get a call from the president of FreedomWorks, Matt Kibbe, and I can hear the distress in his voice,” Beck said. “[Kibbe said], ‘Glenn, I’ve just been escorted out of my office by armed guards and told not to come back.’”

Kibbe added that he wasn’t the only one forcefully escorted out, and that they had been hijacked, so to speak, by the “old guard” GOP establishment.

“There was a coup during the election, and it was powerful,” Beck said. “They were trying to get rid of the libertarian, Tea Party-minded power players, and first and foremost on that hit list was Matt Kibbe and his allies. They didn’t like the fact that FreedomWorks was cleaning house in the GOP…that they were targeting people like Orrin Hatch. It didn’t sit well with the Karl Roves of the GOP world…”

An unnamed leader of FreedomWorks then called Beck and tried to blame the carried out thuggishness on Kibbe’s actions. Beck didn’t fall for it. I’ll name names here – that caller was Dick Armey. For years, I’ve heard that Armey was of the old Republican guard. I was willing to give him another chance in FreedomWorks to redeem himself. He failed in a spectacular fashion. After he was himself removed and the other Progressives were chased out, he ran straight to Media Matters and Progressives on the Right such as Karl Rove and Mitch McConnell.

Beck took decisive action:

“His face never saw the light of day on my program,” Beck said. “I hung up the phone with him, the next day I called board members of FreedomWorks… and we said we support the libertarian voice, and if you allow this coup to sit, we’re done and we’ll expose it.”

“It wasn’t even a week later the board took a vote and decided to reinstate Matt Kibbe as president,” Beck said. “All the libertarians that had been escorted out – reinstated all of them, and then escorted the leader of this coup and his cronies out the door for good.”

This drama was covered by The Washington Post and Mother Jones, two liberal Progressive rags who delighted in what they saw as a victory for Marxism.

From John Galt comes more clarity on the events:

The article from the Washington Post is more than happy to illustrate how a wealthy benefactor Richard J. Stephenson bought off former Republican Majority Leader Dick Armey to keep him away from the group for a healthy sum of money:

The coup lasted all of six days. By Sept. 10, Armey was gone — with a promise of $8 million — and the five ousted employees were back. The force behind their return was Richard J. Stephenson, a reclusive Illinois millionaire who has exerted increasing control over one of Washington’s most influential conservative grass-roots organizations.

Stephenson, the founder of the for-profit Cancer Treatment Centers of America and a director on the FreedomWorks board, agreed to commit $400,000 per year over 20 years in exchange for Armey’s agreement to leave the group.

I guess even mercenaries have a price to quit a war while they are unscathed and ahead.

Unfortunately, Armey will put that money to evil use against Conservatives. Bet on it.

Mitch McConnell and Peter King have both ruthlessly attacked Ted Cruz and Mike Lee. They hate them because they are part of the Tea Party movement and stand on Constitutional principles. Can’t have that in DC – they don’t want the people to have the power and the say – that belongs to the elite don’t ya know. The power and money involved in this tussle is monumental and the Progressives on the Right are absolutely corrupt. They are the same as the Progressives on the Left – they are Marxists and want the destruction of all the Founding Fathers stood for and America on her knees, so they can reform the government, realign the power structure and ensure their continued and increasing wealth. It’s Mr. Potter a trillion fold.

From the twisted reporting of the AP, you can see the approach of a titanic clash (it seems I add to the list of Progressives on the Right for the next book every day):

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — From county chairmen to national party luminaries, veteran Republicans across the country are accusing tea party lawmakers of staining the GOP with their refusal to bend in the budget impasse in Washington.

The Republican establishment also is signaling a willingness to strike back at the tea party in next fall’s elections.

“It’s time for someone to act like a grown-up in this process,” former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu argues, faulting Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and tea party Republicans in the House as much as President Barack Obama for taking an uncompromising stance.

Former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour is just as pointed, saying this about the tea party-fueled refusal to support spending measures that include money for Obama’s health care law: “It never had a chance.”

The anger emanating from Republicans like Sununu and Barbour comes just three years after the GOP embraced the insurgent political group and rode its wave of new energy to return to power in the House.

A war is brewing in which we will either rid the GOP of the Progressive leaches and send them the way of the Whigs, or we will go down trying and the nation will fall under iron-fisted despotic rule. We must find and elect Conservatives that embrace truly Conservatives ideals as Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul and a host of others do. We have to kick butt by a huge majority in 2014 and 2016. Let’s send these fascist thugs back to hell where they belong sipping their martinis and plotting world domination. Dick Armey and the Progressives on the Right will be dining in Hades with the Left, mulling their Conservative betrayal. Constitutional Conservatives – you ready for a fight?


Author: Admin

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5 thoughts on “Dick Armey and the Progressives on the Right – Conservative Betrayal


    Lindsey Graham, S.C.
    Marco Rubio, Fla.
    Lisa Murkowski, Alaska
    and John McCain, Az.

    The above list I wrote prior, are the ones that have Caved in FOR OBAMA, and I hope if in your area, you will NOT vote these Rino’s in again- they LIE TO YOU BEFORE elections, then JUST DO WHAT THEY WANT,
    I’d ALSO add, Speaker Boehner to this list, who has ALWAYS given in to Obama, and is a weak leader…so OHIO, Wake Up- oust the ‘Crybaby’

  2. A while back, I sent an email to Peter King, who seemed to me, to be “insulting and demeaning one of his OWN party in the GOP-Ted Cruz.
    I told him I was deeply disappointed in him, and that he’s doing JUST what Obama wants- “Dividing our OWN GOP, so it will INSURE a win down the road for Dems.” I am disappointed in ALL these RINO’s who are coming down on their own….the Dems Expect you to “Eat your Own” and you are complying(those of you from the OLD Establishment) as you seem
    to be ONLY worried about “Amassing your OWN wealth, perks and future, and CARE LESS about what is good for the very Survival of our Republic
    as Obama has set out to destroy our nation, and lead it on a daily march towards Marxism.” Army, taking the money and Running, is NO surprise-he is JUST like the “Crying Boehner, who has Always ROLLED OVER FOR OBAMA IN WHATEVER DEMANDS HE’S MADE.” Also, NOT surprising to see the “USUAL SUSPECTS…John McCain, who does the SAME, in rolling over for Obama, and bending Over; Lindsey Graham, SAME THING-
    PUBLIC TROUGH LIKE A BUNCH OF PIGS”….I would also add, that the ones
    who are voting for Allowing Illegal Aliens to further bankrupt our nation, and put the bill together..MUST GO. They have broken our Laws,
    that all of you swore to uphold, including our Constitution, but it doesn’t seem to bother you, as you “Give in to Obama’s wanting amnesty
    AGAIN BY OBAMA.” Here is the list of those pushing for ‘breaking our Laws and allowing Amnesty…whether in your area or NOT, we need to rid these ‘Self-Serving, Politicos who make sure THEY get special priviledges, but do NOT want it for the common people, who DO pay the taxes: Avoid these Law Breaking ‘Go Along to Get Along Rino’s’:
    Lindsey Graham, S.C.
    Marco Rudio, Florida
    Lisa Murkowski, Alaska The Four Who CREATED the Bill:
    Kelly Ayotte, N.H. Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio,
    Jeffrey Chiesa, N.J. John McCain, Lisa Murkowski
    Susan Collins, Maine
    Bob Corker, Tenn. These are the ones who ‘talk about
    Lamer Alexander, Tenn. following our Laws, but in fact, speak
    Orrin Hatch, Utah out of both sides of their mouths when
    Dean Heller, Nev. they give in to Obama and WANT Illegals
    Mark KIrk,Ill. to go ahead and BREAK THOSE SAME LAWS.
    John Hoeven, N.D.
    John McCain, Az.
    Jeff Flake, Az.

    All Conservatives must stand back and take a real hard look at the body politics. First is that if we demand Social and fiscal Conservatives only about 20% of Republics registered classify themselves to fit this mold. Such a Candidate as this would not be electable in the entire North East, Lake States, and most of the West coast States.

    This would lead to a guaranteed Progressive Democrat landslide in every election. This would result in a veto proof Senate and House lead by a Democrat President – that is exactly what happened in 2008 and then again 2012 when 4 million less voted.

    I have seen this before – let us consider the issue of NATIONAL POLITICS. The House and the Senate can not be won by the R’s unless they take more moderate position on many issues – it has always been this way – the Rockefeller Republicans – all middle of the road country club types, and the entire east coast and west coast is comprised of that persuasion.

    Conservatives make up about 30 to 40% of the voting public depending on the poll – now voting is different – 47% as Romney said have been bought and paid for with tax dollars from the Democrats and Republicans but the R’s get no credit for any Progressive programs and they had many . . so now if you take a 100% conservative view point you will have your hat handed to you as has happened in California, NY, Mass, Oregon, Washington, the NE, Florida, ND, SD, Mont. and more are just not supporting hard conservative options.

    So, to stand tall on one side of a teeter-doter and have those on the center right and left of center stand on the other – when they jump the Conservatives will be tossed in the ocean and lost forever. It is pure foolishness to even think that way = total losing theory – these people will not even get 170 elected to the national House and maybe 30 Senators at best.

    AV is the only way – no money or power in DC they will all leave and then those leaning conservative will move to conservative States and the left will have their own. My bet is soon the left loses most of the States as they, like California go broke with broken promises all over their States.

    Elections will not fix our nations problems at this point in time as history has shown us being ruled by Progressives in both parties – only the Article V State amendment process can save the REPUBLIC and that will require all fiscal or social or center rights to unite and pressure the State legislatures [38 States] to do the repeal the 14th, 16th and 17th amendments.

    If we cannot do this then it is game over and the Progressives holding a lock on 48% of the entire population by bribing them with our tax money. Then you add the center left and they will get 55% + in every election except maybe 8 to 10 States. MC


  4. Those who control the message control the outcome. We will not take back our country as long as the mainstream media censor the truth. While the alternative media has indeed awakened some people, the spin continues to be passed along as fact on the mainstream networks. We do not have the luxury of time to fix this mess. Look around at the faces of everyday Americans. How many know the truth about ObamaCare? When is the last time the mainstream media spoke about healthcare rationing under this unconstitutional piece of legislation? Have they mentioned that it isn’t free, contrary to this belief held by millions of Americans? Just some food for thought. Tick, tock….

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