It’s “Not An Invasion,” If We Think They Belong Here
Hat Tip: BB
By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton


I have an EMT friend up here in Northern Idaho, whom I trust implicitly. He has told me he has seen Russian soldiers in Montana multiple times. I believe him. But talk like this has been deemed ‘conspiracy’ fodder for years. Until now…

When I first saw this today, I was not planning on writing a post. However, this convinced me otherwise. Obama has been openly building his own private ‘Brown Shirt’ forces under the IRS, FEMA and DHS. It would seem that he will have help from his friend Putin in Russia. I wrote on this last week and the week before, that what you see with Snowden and the NSA disclosures is smoke and mirrors – things are not what they seem. The NSA is corrupt and that needs to be addressed, but Obama and the Progressives are the root of the current corruption and are using Snowden to discredit our alphabet agencies, the military and America in general. He is a toady of Obama’s making.

America has now invited Russian ‘security’ experts to take part in our emergency drills on American soil. A major emergency would be used as an excuse to bring in the aid of foreign boots on our soil, to “help” Americans. And by “help,” I mean “police.” The rumors morphed into fact last week when representatives of President Barrack Obama and Vladimir Putin met in Washington D.C. That sound you didn’t hear was the media crickets choir. Not one outlet reported on this. Not one.

From SHTFPlan:

A press release posted on The Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense and Emergencies reports that the United States and Russia will now cooperate in disaster response operations that will include the exchange of “experts” during “joint rescue operations,” a term that has been broadly defined under the new agreement.

The list includes rescuers, trainers and even military “security” teams. Remember, we just agreed to drastically reduce our nuclear weapon’s arsenal while Russia and China are expanding theirs. No one seems to notice that Russia, China and Iran (and others) are forming an alliance that will eventually attack us. They are enemies all. What manner of suicide is this? The kind Obama wants with America on her knees, possibly split apart and under international rule. The most powerful man in the world is America’s enemy within.

Several documents signed during joint work of Russian Emergency Ministry and FEMA

The Russian Emergency Situations Ministry and the USA Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are going to exchange experts during joint rescue operations in major disasters. This is provided by a protocol of the fourth meeting of the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission Working Group on Emergency Situations and seventeenth meeting of Joint U.S.-Russia Cooperation Committee on Emergency Situations, which took place in Washington on 25 June.

The document provides for expert cooperation in disaster response operations and to study the latest practices.

In addition, the parties approved of U.S.-Russian cooperation in this field in 2013-2014, which envisages exchange of experience including in monitoring and forecasting emergency situations, training of rescuers, development of mine-rescuing and provision of security at mass events.

At the end of the meeting the parties expressed their satisfaction with the level of cooperation between the Russian Federation and the United States in the area of emergency prevention and response and agreed to develop it in order to respond efficiently to all kinds of disasters.

Source: Emergency Command of Russia via Prepper Website

Obama has just authorized FEMA to deploy foreign troops on U.S. soil during a mass emergency event, defined broadly and in the very vaguest of terms, including, but not limited to, declarations of martial law. Emergencies that our government has been simulating, war gaming and arming the alphabet agencies in preperation for now for years. Tyranny isn’t coming, it’s here.

The Press Releases are important enough to read in full. From EMERCOM of Russia:

Head of Russian ministry of Emergency Situations satisfied with development of U.S.-Russian relationships in emergency prevention and response

25 June 23:31

The fourth meeting of the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission Working Group on Emergency Situations and seventeenth meeting of Joint U.S.-Russia Cooperation Committee on Emergency Situations took place on 25 June 2013 in Washington.

Addressing the present at the meeting, Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations Mr. Vladimir Puchkov noted that U.S.-Russian cooperation in the area of protection against natural and man-made disasters was of strategic importance and directly supported by the Presidents of Russian and USA. The Minister pointed out that the cooperation was developing very fast and efficiently and there are new areas of cooperation, which allowed not only high-level support, but constant extension. This year particularly one of the priorities in joint activity of the two countries was monitoring and forecasting emergency situations.

In his speech Minister Puchkov stressed that the number of disasters grows constantly. “At the last meeting of the working group we discussed the possible meteorite threats and already this year we faced such in Chelyabinsk Region.” In addition, the past year saw floods and abnormal snowfalls in Russia, fires in Colorado, Sandy hurricane and a tornado in Oklahoma.

In his turn Craig Fugate, Administrator of FEMA thanked The Russian Emergency Situations Ministry for support in responding to Sandy hurricane. “FEMA learned a lot from this situation. We have revised many criteria in responding to hurricanes,” – said Mr. Fugate.

Minister Puchkov offered his U.S. colleagues to set up joint working groups of experts, who would be responding to emergencies in the Russian Federation or the United States. The FEMA delegation saw the offer positively.

The Russian Minister also drew attention to the necessity of coordination work. Considering the uniqueness of each emergency situation and diversity of their conditions, the response system should be adequate to possible challenges. “Response operations have to be coordinated as only in this case activities of all subsystems give positive results,” – noted Minister Puchkov. According to The Russian Minister it is the actions of the coordinator of the emergency situation on which depends how much efforts will be needed to overcome the aftermath and health of thousands of people.

The parties also discussed involvement of voluntary organizations in emergency prevention and response and problems concerning rescue operations at the facilities of mineral resource industry. They discussed cooperation between and development of voluntary organizations as well.

In general, the Russian Minister was satisfied with the development of U.S.-Russian partnership in emergency response and prevention.

More from EMERCOM Russia:

Several documents signed during joint work of Russian Emergency Ministry and FEMA

26 June 11:32

The Russian Emergency Situations Ministry and the USA Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are going to exchange experts during joint rescue operations in major disasters. This is provided by a protocol of the fourth meeting of the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission Working Group on Emergency Situations and seventeenth meeting of Joint U.S.-Russia Cooperation Committee on Emergency Situations, which took place in Washington on 25 June.

The document provides for expert cooperation in disaster response operations and to study the latest practices.

In addition, the parties approved of U.S.-Russian cooperation in this field in 2013-2014, which envisages exchange of experience including in monitoring and forecasting emergency situations, training of rescuers, development of mine-rescuing and provision of security at mass events.

At the end of the meeting the parties expressed their satisfaction with the level of cooperation between the Russian Federation and the United States in the area of emergency prevention and response and agreed to develop it in order to respond efficiently to all kinds of disasters.

Anyone up for ‘Red Dawn?’ This is, at the very least, a precursor to ‘treason.’

Oran’s Dictionary of the Law (1983) defines treason as “…[a]…citizen’s actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the [parent nation].” In many nations, it is also often considered treason to attempt or conspire to overthrow the government, even if no foreign country is aiding or involved by such an endeavor.

Inviting Russian boots to help or police on American soil is nothing less than inviting one of our chief enemies into our country, our cities, our towns and our homes. It is help we obviously do not need or want — it is the imposing of a foreign military force upon the American public. It goes far beyond violating the Constitution, straight into the territory of treason.

With the decimation of our military capabilities now almost complete, Obama bares our national throat to our enemies and is holding the door open for them to come in. He has already brought radical Islam into the White House and Marxists into every corner of our government and higher institutions.

Increasingly it is becoming “ordinary” and “routine” and “commonplace” for foreign nationals to be involved in our domestic affairs. Once the public becomes desensitized to the incongruity of domestic functions performed by foreign uniforms, their presence will no longer be noteworthy, the sight of “loaner” troops helping local cops will become “routine,” and at length it will seem normal and proper. You know, almost as though they belong here. “Helping” during the unexpected civil disorder. And it’s “not an invasion,” if we think they belong here.


Author: Admin

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10 thoughts on “It’s “Not An Invasion,” If We Think They Belong Here

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  2. The only thing I can say is that this is disinformation as it’s best.I’ll try to be short.

    1.There could be some trainings in USA with foreign troops,but this training is for action in emergency situation.For an instance – in case of unprecedented earthquake in the New Madrid fault zone (covering Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee and Arkansas). If any of you knows about this zone? Do you know that this zone becomes more unstable with every single day passed ? and why’s this happening- look out for HAARP. Some people cannot play like they’re God without be ready to pay the price.
    2.Believe me,there is no country in the world which wants to take over the US. The whole world knows that the U.S. is technically bankrupt, but do not want to admit failure and therefore the states desperately need wars to transmit away from the crisis itself.
    Why is US bankrupt? Because there is no other country in the world that uses money to rent and at interest from a private organization called the F.e.d.

    3.USA decreases nuclear weapons, but Russia and China increase their number? What a joke.Obama desperately wants a world without nuclear weapons,but for one reason- it’s gonna be so easy for the US to attack some countries without a fatal strike back. Does Russia or China, or Iran build a “rocket shield” around US borders with the fake excuse “for potential defense purposes”? No. And they will not. How many countries have been attacked from Russia,China and Iran for the last 30 years? No more than 3.Regional conflicts. How many countries were attacked by US for no reasons? A dozens of countries.
    And why is that? because some groups of “people” in US are sick of ambitions to rule the world.It’s simple- create fake enemies, provoke some conflicts- there you go- now you have reasons to limit the citizen rights and to start wars with innocent countries. For their petrol,gas or other resources.

    4.The author is right about one thing- the biggest enemy of US is the enemy within. So instead of trying to find false enemies 10000 miles away from home,start to find them in the country.They’re here every day . One hint- usually they wear suits and have only one purpose in life- money/power. And when you calculatе would or wouldn’t have enough money for the bills this month, they calculatе how many billions will be earned from world’s unstability .

  3. There are plenty of witnesses, who have seen plenty of foreign troops on our soil! Anyone who says that it’s bogus will have these things bite them right in their backsides, and they’ll end up in the clutches of their enemies! You best wake up now! There’s been plenty of proof to show it’s solid, and not disinformation! Lies to say this is disinformation! Wake up!

  4. Pingback: NCRenegade
  5. Another heads up article by the brave heart teressa keep typing truth soon your lap top will be turned off so remember one thing lucifer does not forget pray pray pray for Gods Mercy in those days that are coming very fast

  6. this is a bogus bit of disinformation .. take my word for it .. if there are troops in the US for training it is Polish, Rumanians or Ukrainians or COLUMBIANS under former Blackwater control.. we just sent a contingent of COLUMBIANS to the Syrian border.. go look it up.. type in Columbians in Syria . it was a Reuters story or some such. YOU DO have to worry about international forces out of TAMPA training with the lot . a wing of the US State Dept fighting force .. are Canadians, Brits and others including forces from Poland which seems to want to be our FLUNKY silly Poles ..

    The US State Dept now has it’s own military or adjunct military .. Hillary Clinton spoke at their conference back in May.. along with the mercenaries from entities like Dyncorp .. L-3 .. here t here and everywhere… they are quite a varied lot who will kill for a paycheck. .they DO exist folks. BUT Russians have not invaded nor are they being used by Obama . .maybe at some future date after the US has totally DESTROYED itself you might see Russians and Chinese taking the curumbs.. BUT NOW in Montana OR Idaho .. take my word for ain’t the Russians unless they are on vacation or are MERCENARIES .. a LOT of isinformation is being passed off as fact . THEY meaning the powers that be do not want YOU to know what is going on . so they spread this crap to get conspiracy folks passing out disinformation. We do not NEED the Russians . there are enough Americans or Canadians who will do the thug work if paid for it. And mercenary forces are HIGHLY paid. Not to mention . US federal bureaucrats are the MOST heavily armed in the world from Fish and Wildlife to Dept of Education . they all have their SWAT teams .. what many can’t get their head around is that their own countrymen would betray them . well get over it. happening every single day . TSA . FBI .. in some cases local police depts. or combined operations as in BOSTON . .Russians . at this point I might shake their hand if they could get rid of the LOT OF THEM IN DC AND NEW YORK.

  7. I’ll be in that part of the country later this year. IF TRUE, should be an eye opening experience for THEM. 😉

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