From: The Doug Ross Journal
I am cross-posting Doug’s awards. A big thank you to Doug Ross for doing this and compiling the list. I just want to say that I am so very proud of Trevor Loudon for hitting the list twice. Once for Best Blog Ring – The Watcher’s Council and once for The Ronald Reagan Award for Best Anti-Communist Blogger. Awesome!
The moment you’ve been waiting for is here.
The votes are in. The anxious nominees’ fingernails have been chewed down to the quick. And at least one blogger just excused himself to go to the bathroom (number two, apparently).
So we’re more than pleased to announce the winners of the 2011 Fabulous 50 Blog Awards, the most prestigious new media awards in the conservative blogosphere. Or, at the very least, in the 993 area code.
These awards recognize a variety of blogs and websites operating in the conservative hemisphere of the Internet, all of which have worked tirelessly to protect America from Statism — some in very unique ways.
So, without further ado, may I have the envelopes, please?
Best News Portal:
Drudge Report
Best Hybrid Portal:
Best Blog Portal:
Best Multimedia Pundit:
Michelle Malkin
Best Group Blog:
Hot Air
Best Blogger in a Group Blog:
Ed Morrissey
Best Op-Ed Blog:
Right Wing News
Best Op-Ed Columnist:
Mark Steyn
Best News Blog:
Weasel Zippers
Best Political Analysis Blog:
American Spectator
Best U.S. Econ Blog:
Best Global Econ Blog:
Zero Hedge
Best Talker’s Website:
The Mark Levin Show and Neal Boortz (tie)
Best Investigative Bloggers:
Sipsey Street Irregulars and Gun Rights Examiner (tie)
Best Political Group Blog:
Best Event Coverage:
Verum Serum, for its coverage of the “Occupy” movement
Best Economic Reporter:
James Pethokoukis
Best Investigative Journalism:
Big Government
Best Political Blogging:
Conservative Black Chick, Hispanic Conservative, Nice Deb, Pundit & Pundette, Sister Toldjah, Wintery Knight, Wolf Howling (tie)
Best Video Host:
Bill Whittle
Best News Outlet:
CNS News and Washington Examiner (tie)
Best White House Coverage:
Keith Koffler of White House Dossier
Best First Lady Blog:
Michelle’s Mirror (MOTUS)
Best Blog-Ring:
The Watcher’s Council (All 2011 Council members are winners)
- Bookroom Room
- The Colossus of Rhodey
- The Glittering Eye
- GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD
- JoshuaPundit
- The Mellow Jihadi
- New Zeal/Trevor Loudon
- The Noisy Room
- The Political Commentator
- The Razor
- Rhymes With Right
- The Right Planet
- Right Truth
- Simply Jews
- Virginia Right!
Best Latin American Coverage:
Fausta’s Blog
Best Law Blog:
Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
Best Investigative Reporter in Legacy Media:
Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News for her reporting on Operation Fast & Furious
The David Brooks Award for Demi-Conservatism:
David Frum
The David Frum Award for Faux Conservatism:
Jennifer Rubin, Right Turn
The Jennifer Rubin Award for Pseudo-Conservatism:
David Brooks, New York Times
The Sweater-Full-of-Mischief Award for Humorous News Blogging:
Ace o’ Spades
The Daniel Irvin Rather Award for Media-Busting:
The Vince Vaughan Award for Pithy Commentary:
Protein Wisdom
The Bob Saget Award for Best Videos:
The Right Scoop
The Stuxnet Award for Best Information Warfare Campaign:
The Jawa Report
The Bozell Award for Best Media Pundit:
Ed Driscoll
The Daniel Simpson Day Award for Best Graphics:
iOwnTheWorld, The Looking Spoon and The People’s Cube (tie)
The Salvador Dali Award for Most Creative Blogging:
Curmudgeonly & Skeptical and Sondrakistan (tie)
The Deb Morgan Award for Best Use of Cursewords:
Cold Fury, Double Plus Undead, and The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler (tie)
The Ernie Pyle Award for Largest Brass Accoutrements:
Andrew Breitbart
The Yglesias Award for World’s Dumbest Blogger:
Ezra Klein
The Enron Award for Best Propagan-conomist:
Paul Krugman
The Kent Dorfman Award for Most Confused Blogger:
Charles Johnson, Little Green Foosballs
The Douglas C. Neidermeyer Award for Defending America Against Right-Wing Visigoths:
Rick Moran
The Larry Kroger Award for Most Promising Newcomer:
TL In Exile and BS Footprint (tie)
Best Blogger Working in Legacy Media:
Don Surber
Post of the Year:
Paco Enterprises, “George Washington writes a letter to President Obama”
The Ronald Reagan Award for Best Anti-Communist Blogger:
Trevor Loudon
The Moshe Dayan Award for Best Israel Blogger:
Sultan Knish
The Golda Meir Award for Best Anti-Jihad Blogger:
Atlas Shrugs, Gates of Vienna, JihadWatch, MEMRI (tie)
The Morrissey Award for Best Online Op-Ed Blogger:
John Hayward
Article of the Year:
“Repo Men”, by Kevin D. Williamson
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Okay, I won. Where do I get my damn award badges?
A: Right here. If you have questions about installing your badge, ask ’em in the comments.
Q: *Sob*. I didn’t win. Can I use one of the badges anyhow?
A: Yes, we’ve included handy LOSER badges for you.
Q: You suck — I didn’t win.
A: That’s not a question.
Q: Where are the previous Fabulous 50 Award Winners listed?
A: You can review The 2010 Fabulous 50 here and The 2009 Fabulous 50 here.
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I like it when folks get together and share views. Great blog, keep it up!
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Congrats, Trevor! So glad to see you getting the recognition you deserve. You are shining the light where there is darkness and we are all so grateful to have you on our side!!!! Michele
Well deserved and much congratulations!
The Political Commentator