Day: December 8, 2011
Media Promote Global Tax as Financial Crisis Deepens
By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media A New York Times story about a “modest” global tax mentions some of those supporting the idea but forgets…
The Osawatomie Coincidence
Why would Barack Obama choose to give a controversial speech attacking American capitalism in Osawatomie, Kansas? Hang on? Where have I heard that name before?…
“Barack Obama and the Enemies Within” Selling Well
My new book, “Barack Obama and the Enemies Within” is selling well. It’s sitting at just over 13,000 (out of 8,000,000 titles) on Amazon) and…
Obama Administration Reverses Bush Policy on Affirmative Action – Communists Approve
The Obama Administration has initiated a major “Affirmative Action” policy reversal, that could create major new social divisions in the run up to the 2012…
Marxist Inspired Unrest Builds in Britain: Callicinos “We’re in the Middle of a Revolutionary Process”
According to Britain’s Socialist Workers Party, November 30 was….”a historic day. Britain’s biggest strike since 1926 saw the working class march firmly onto centre stage…
30,000 Radicals and Dupes March in Manchester – Russia Today, There As Usual
In several Western countries, radicals are rising up, as cash strapped governments are forced to take long overdue austerity measures. And dollars to do-nuts, you…
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