Allen West Discusses Military Heroism and Sacrifices

Fort Lauderdale’s First Baptist Church held its annual ‘Patriotic Celebration’ to honor those who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. The church invited U.S. Representative Allen West to this year’s event to talk about the sacrifices the men and woman in uniform have made and continue to make as they protect our freedoms abroad. Many of you may be aware of Lt. Colonel Allen West’s own act of heroism and sacrifice when he gave up his body armor to a young soldier who lacked adequate protection during Operation Desert Storm -that particular body armor subsequently saved that soldiers life after he was shot in the chest.

The host of the event cut off Congressman West as he was about to tell the story and surprised him with someone else who could recall the story from his own personal perspective… Great 4th of July video!

Hat Tip: The Shark Tank


Author: Admin

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6 thoughts on “Allen West Discusses Military Heroism and Sacrifices

  1. Thank you Trevor! Allen West never disappoints, he just reaffirms everything that is good and true in America. God Bless America, our military and other true patriots such as yourself and Congressman West.

  2. Here is a REAL American hero.

    This is the guy who was thrown under the bus by the Mao-Tse-Bama for “intimidating” the emeny while under fire, telling his court marial board that he refuses to appologize for doing his duty to protect his troops in combat, saying he would carry a can of gasoline through the fires of hell if that’s what it took to save the lives of his subordinates.

    Here we see an example.

    1. While I agree with your sentiments, some of your statements are not quite accurate.

      He was not thrown under the bus, he reported himself to his commanding officer immediately after the interrogation “incident” (he threatened to shoot the captive who was refusing to talk, and when the captive remained defiant, fired his sidearm near the captive’s head to convince him. The captive talked.) He took full and sole responsibility for his actions.

      He was not court martialed, he was investigated, reprimanded an fined. A short while after that he resigned, was honorably discharged, and retired with full honours and benefits.

      That noted, I think that his actions, far from diminshing him, only elevate one’s opinion of him. He is clearly a courageous man who is willing to risk his career, reputation, and person in defence of his men and his country.

      He is that rarest of politicians; a steadfast man of honour.

      As the world is clearly heading into turbulent times, this is the man – or one exactly like him – who is sorely needed to lead America and the western world.

      The trick is going to be to convince him to run, because it is that same sense of honour that is preventing him from doing so. He was elected to represent the 22nd district and he will not desert them.

      I think that the only people who can change his mind are the people of Florida who elected him in the first place.

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