Our sister site KeyWiki just passed the 90,000 file mark.
KeyWiki’s database of leftists, Antifa, communists, security risk congressmen, Muslim Brotherhood fronters and other covert activists, has grown in leaps and bounds in the past eight years.
Since the communist-led Bernie Sanders movement hit the national stage and with the election of President Trump, the far left has expanded dramatically. For example, crypto-communist Democratic Socialists of America has grown from 8,000 to 30,000 members in a year – and we’re trying to identify every single one we can.

These people are infiltrating the Democratic Party all over the country and electing Marxists to office like Dylan Parker, Alderman Rock Island Illinois, Carlos Rosa, Chicago’s 35th Ward Alderman, Mike Sylvester, of the Maine House of Representatives, Julie Ann Nitsch, Austin Community College Board of Trustee in Texas and Massachusetts State Representative Mike Connolly.
Communist Party USA has also enjoyed substantial growth. Together with allies Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism and Freedom Road Socialist Organization, they are set to complete their long term project of completely taking over the Democratic Party.
We need to make sure that the next government of the United States is not a communist one.
With growth comes new challenges.
How you can help
Our aim however is not just to cover running costs, but to build sufficient surpluses to hire interns. We have tens of thousands of pages of information gathered from the Internet and libraries all over the country, and we need help to process it.
If you are able to make a one off donation, or pledge a monthly amount you can use PayPal or your credit/debit card to make a one time or monthly gift by clicking here: http://keywiki.org/Donate
Please chip in to expose those who seek to destroy your Constitution.
KeyWiki is used by journalists, candidates, opposition researchers and concerned citizens to expose the covert side of US politics. Our information has been used in countless books, articles and video productions.
Please help us carry on this valuable work.
Trevor Loudon for Keywiki
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