President Barack Obama‘s Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, is backing labor unions in their campaign against plans to cut collective bargaining from government workers.
Like the President himself, Solis has an history with both the Communist Party USA and Democratic Socialists of America, two of the main groups backing recent nationwide labor protests.
Hilda Solis, D.S.A. Nat. Convention, Los Angeles, Nov. 2005 |
From the Communist Party USA’s Peoples World
“Labor is planning a mass mobilization nationwide on April 4 to support workers’ rights, specifically the right to collectively bargain.
The decision was reached at the AFL-CIO Executive Council meeting in Washington, March 1-2, according to a nationwide conference call of activists. But the council did not formally announce it.
Instead, the word was passed to activists from the Communications Workers, the Teachers, other unions, allied student, civil rights and environmental groups and others.
They were asked to dream up events at work places to show solidarity with workers who are standing up for their rights, notably public workers in Ohio, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Indiana and other states.
Suggestions for solidarity include vigils at houses of worship, wearing red pro-worker clothing, and demonstrations and marches on city halls and state capitols…
The workers’ cause, though not the specific protest, was joined by Obama administration Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, who spoke on the conference call.
“I’m proud of all of those who went down to Wisconsin, and I try to provide support and empowerment” from her cabinet post “for middle-class people who must be at the table” when their futures are decided, Solis said.
“Public workers – nurses, police officers, fire fighters – are willing to make sacrifices,” the secretary added, alluding to the excuse GOP governors have used to demand that state and local workers take large pay and pension cuts and pay much more for health insurance. “Budget sacrifices are one thing, but demanding people give up their voice on the job is another.””
Can you imagine what May 1 is going to be like this year?
The union thugs will be out marching while the REAL labor force will be working.
This need MAJOR exposure !!!!!!!!!!!
They should protest the first day of April, that would show who they really are.