im one of those vets who dont forget and its a shame when they made those stickers they sjould have put senator kerry and fonda together. it kills me when they refer to kerry as a war hero when his stint in vietnam lasted less than 3 months because of 3 selfinflicted purple hearts gave him an early ticket home. he did a very bad impression of john kennedy. both were so to speak pt boat commanders but only one was a real hero the other joined fonda in condeming american soldiers fighting in vietnam. i grew up in boston and it was politicians like kerry which made up my mind to get the hell out of progressive town. what a shame when you think of the freedom trail in boston and the politicians that are there now.
Is there a ladies loo version?
This is really funny – I've never seen one of these in person, but maybe I don't visit biffies enough! Thanks for the laugh.
I buy several Hanoi Jane urinal stickers every year at Sun N Fun in Lakeland, Fl. The VHPA sells them and Pelosi also.
I use them several times a day.
That is very fitting. I'm linking to you over at TCL FB.
i forgot to mention jane fonda must be very proud of obama. they are alot alike. both are traitors to our country.
im one of those vets who dont forget and its a shame when they made those stickers they sjould have put senator kerry and fonda together. it kills me when they refer to kerry as a war hero when his stint in vietnam lasted less than 3 months because of 3 selfinflicted purple hearts gave him an early ticket home. he did a very bad impression of john kennedy. both were so to speak pt boat commanders but only one was a real hero the other joined fonda in condeming american soldiers fighting in vietnam. i grew up in boston and it was politicians like kerry which made up my mind to get the hell out of progressive town. what a shame when you think of the freedom trail in boston and the politicians that are there now.
Lets bring them back, I would take about a hundred and saturate them all over my campus.
Jane Fonda urinal stickers used to be very common. I remember seeing one as late as 1995, when I retired.
Every city that flys, not burns, the American flag needs one of these.
A perfect and fitting monument to Jane Fonda for her contributions to the destruction of her country.