US researcher Jack Cashill has been diligently trying to prove that Barack Obama’s autobiography “Dreams From My Father” was ghost written by Bill Ayers.
You know, the former Weather Underground terrorist leader, that Obama called “just a guy from my neighborhood”.
Now Cashill has some pretty strong evidence contradicting Obama’s story-and that Ayers helped write obama’s book.
Jack Cashill at American Thinker
In his new book, “Barack and Michelle: Portrait of an American Marriage,” Best-selling celebrity journalist, Christopher Andersen, has blown a huge hole in the Obama genius myth without intending to do so.
Relying on inside sources, quite possibly Michelle Obama herself, Andersen describes how Dreams came to be published — just as I had envisioned it in my articles on the authorship of Dreams. With the deadline pressing, Michelle recommended that Barack seek advice from “his friend and Hyde Park neighbor Bill Ayers.”
To flesh out his family history, Obama had taped interviews with various family members. Andersen writes, “These oral histories, along with a partial manuscript and a truckload of notes, were given to Ayers.” Andersen quotes a Hyde Park neighbor, “Everyone knew they were friends and that they worked on various projects together. It was no secret. Why would it be? People liked them both.”
Andersen continues, “In the end, Ayers’s contribution to Barack’s Dreams From My Father would be significant–so much so that the book’s language, oddly specific references, literary devices, and themes would bear a jarring similarity to Ayers’s own writing.”
More to come!
Go Jack!
Hi, I just read this today and decided to look and see if you had this news. Of course you did!!! We get things late here in America.
You know having only one news channel that will report anything that might put Obama in a bad light, it sometimes takes some digging to find it. Thanks again for you blog. Keep it coming.
(I'm the one with the son in Wellington)
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I think it is time to start the impeachment process.
Gawd- I saw the header and thought Pam Ayers!
(She of the Vogon Poetry!)
While Obama is a smart man, he is not from everything I've read a writer in any sense of the word. Why not Bill Ayers as Obama's ghost writer, they are idealogly on the same page.
It seems we have elected a red into the White House 🙁
I am also watching the rise of terrorism in New Zealand and I think this new communist group announced today over at indymedia also needs some vigilence.
See: where they announce their existence.