The World Peace Council, once a fully owned Soviet front, is now a tool of Cuba and the international communist movement – which still includes the communist parties of Russia and China.
The World Peace Council is currently planning major international campaigns, for the release of 5 Cuban spies currently held in US prisons and against the main enemy of communism in Europe, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
A meeting of the Secretariat of WPC took place in Brussels from October 10-12, 2010 with the participation of 10 members of the Secretariat from Brazil, Greece, Cuba, USA, Palestine, Portugal, Syria, Germany, India and Vietnam and an additional 19 Organizations from Europe (Spain, Italy, Belgium(2), Germany, Turkey, Cyprus, Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Serbia, Georgia, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Austria, Switzerland and Iran(guest status).
From the W.P.C. website
One highlight of the WPC meeting was the visit of the Cuban delegation composed by Adriana Pérez O’Connor and Olga Salanueva, wives of Gerardo and Rene respectively, which are two of the five Cuban political prisoners held unjustly in US prisons. The meeting welcomed the Cuban friends and expressed its unconditional support for the struggle to release the “Cuban Five” as well as the solidarity of the WPC towards the Socialist Cuba.
The WPC meeting agreed to run an international campaign from December till May 2011, which shall culminate with the International conference against the foreign military Bases in the province Guantanamo, Cuba. Elements of the campaign will be a call to all WPC members and friends with a special WPC poster to demand from the White House the release of the Cuban Five, an intervention at the Human Rights Council of the UN during the 2011 and coordinate with other International Organizations (e.g. WFTU, WFDY, WIDF, OSPAAAL) common actions. The Secretariat expressed its solidarity with the struggling people and government of Cuba against the criminal blockade and denounced the “common position” of the EU towards Cuba. It decided furthermore to decorate symbolically during the next Executive Committee Meeting the “Cuban Five” as fighters for Peace.
Special point in the agenda of the regional meeting and the Secretariat was the developments around the NATO summit in Lisbon and the activities of the WPC towards it. The meeting adopted a special resolution on the subject (see below). The participants of the WPC meetings dealt with several other points in their agenda. They received reports from the regional coordinators of Americas, Middle East, Asia &Pacific and Europe and discussed and agreed on concrete future actions and a calendar of coming events.
The following ones were underlined:
• The continental conference of Peace Movements organized by MOMPADE in Mexico City on 21-22 October, 2010
• The international meeting against NATO and for Peace in Lisbon on 19th November(organized by WPC and CPPC) and the international participation in the demonstration for the 20th November organized by “Yes to Peace-No to NATO” Campaign.
• December 10, 2010-International Day of action for the abolition of all foreign Military Bases (based on the continental campaign against the Bases)
• WPC International Solidarity Mission to Palestine at the end March 2011
• Executive Committee WPC, April 29-30, 2011 in Havana, Cuba and participation in the May day events in Havana
• International Meeting in the Cuban province Guantanamo against the deployed US Military Base and concentration camp on May 4-5, 2011.The event will take place as well as part of the continental campaign against the Foreign Military Bases.
Special Resolution of the WPC Secretariat meeting in Brussels on actions for peace and against NATO during the NATO summit in Lisbon.
The organizations present in the World Peace Council (WPC) meeting in Brussels, October 10-12, 2010 agreed on actions for peace and against NATO during the NATO summit in Lisbon and concretely to:
• Endorse the international WPC/Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation appeal
• Salute the peace loving forces of Portugal and support the aims and initiatives of the “Yes to Peace! No to NATO!” Campaign.
• Call upon all peace loving forces and anti-imperialist movement to actively support the CPPC in the preparations of the massive people’s protests which will culminate on 20th November with the “Yes to Peace! No to NATO!” Campaign demonstration at 15Hrs in Lisbon (Marquês de Pombal – Avenida da Liberdade – Restauradores).
• Endorse and call for active participation for the international meeting for peace and against NATO of WPC and CPPC on 19th November under the title: “Yes to Peace! No to NATO! NATO-enemy of peace and the peoples-DISMANTLE IT!”
• Likewise call upon the peace movements in Europe, in all NATO member states an the whole world, to organize initiatives, protests and demonstrations in their own countries against the NATO member governments and their support to NATO in common action days (November 19-20), coincident with NATO’s summit.
That the international communist movement is about to mount two major campaigns against the U.S. and the NATO alliance, should be front page news.
Almost certainly however these campaigns will be taken at face value by the western media, with no investigation or exposure of their communist origins.
When did the “cold war” finish, again?
Why don't they just rename themselves terrorists and murders for apple pie and motherhood?
God help us all!