My recent post on Barack Obama and his former terrorist admirers Mark Rudd and Jeff Jones has gotten big mileage on the US blogoshere.
It was picked up by both Aaron Cohen at World Net Daily and Melanie Phillips at the UK Spectator.
From there it went to National Review Online, megablog Powerline and many, many others.
This has done a lot of good for my Technorati rating (measures incoming links) which now sits at 220.
This is second only on the NZ political blogosphere to David Farrar’s Kiwiblog, which is currently 249.
New Zeal is now ranked 16,660th of the more than a million blogs that Technorati monitors.
Thanks Barry. Thanks readers.
Well done mate.
Hey Trevor,
My congratulations to you again!
Way to go!!!!!!!!
Anne 🙂