ACT MP Heather Roy vents her well justified disgust at Helen Clark.
Prime Minister Helen Clark’s comparison of hypothetical body counts between a Labour and National Government’s decision to deploy troops to Iraq represents an all-time low in politics, and in the personal standards of her worn-out and bitter remnant of a Party once proud to stand for ordinary decent Kiwis, ACT National Security Spokesman Heather Roy said today.
“This is a woman who jeered our soldiers leaving for Vietnam and then offered them an apology in Parliament this year without ever once saying ‘sorry’,” Mrs Roy said.
“Then, she claimed she had grown wiser since her student days – yesterday, she proved otherwise and revealed her real view of the many brave past and present New Zealanders who serve their country: that, to her, they are mere pawns to be used for political gain.
“Miss Clark is guilty of a reprehensible and immoral political comparison that will echo worldwide and shock good leaders everywhere. Her ‘back of an envelope’ justification is an insult to the US, to whom we owe a debt from WWII that we can never repay. A nation’s sacrifice is nothing to her but an election gimmick complete with photo opportunities
“If there is any truth to what Miss Clark said, she should look to the abysmal state of our defences under the first Labour Government and consider how differently 2NZEF might have fared in Iraq without the rhetoric that has again been heard from her coalition since 1999.
“This morally bankrupt Prime Minister does NOT speak on behalf of all politicians – good MPs do not share her musings, and do not want Parliament brought into disrepute through such thoughtless commentary.
“On behalf of the thousands of Army, Navy, Air Force, Police, Customs, Fisheries and Emergency Service personnel who risk their lives but must suffer this insult in silence – and hundreds of thousands of RSA members and their families – I urge ALL Party Leaders and Ministers to distance themselves from Miss Clark’s statement. She must unreservedly apologise and prevent Kiwis from losing what little respect they have left for the political process,” Mrs Roy said.
Hear bloody hear!
Hope you’re right about the warriors and wrong about the PM Steve.
Such is the headiness of finals time I was self-advised that it’s Manly we’re up against. Oh that I am wrong because I’d rather Cronulla than Manly.
Whichever way Warriors can do it – they’re true contenders. Must be the support they’re getting. You see the PM in the team line up ?
She and the Warriors have this in common – superb skills and what it takes to come from behind.
Do you reckon the warriors will knock over the Sharks Steve?
So you would have been happy to see New Zealanders die to please The Chickenhawk/Mad Fascist Old Rumsfeld would you ?
You guys still not learned that it’s the height of idiocy to go on supporting mad, unwinnable wars precipitated by the US ?
Piss off with your bullshit ! And your weeping your crocodile tears for New Zealand armed services personnel. You’re a disgrace the lot of you…..
If NZ soldiers had died in Iraq they would have joined the many sevicemen and woman, living and dead who fought for freedom.