Month: August 2008
Auckland Uni "Jihadis"
Someone just sent me this email. I have deleted the name and some identifying text. This could be a hoax, but knowing what I know…
This is Twilight Zone stuff. Who is this man! He is the leader of a political party. He is about to fight the election of…
Anarchists, Socialists and Greens Rally to Defend Urewera "Terrorists"
From Indymedia On a cold and miserable day, the cries of “No More Police State!” echoed through Central Auckland’s Queen Street as over 200 Maori,…
International Day of Solidarity for Urewera 17
Anarchists in several New Zealand centres, Melbourne and further afield, are to hold an international day of action tomorrow. The events are in solidarity with…
Biden-The Best The Left Could Hope For
The Marxists of Democratic Socialists of America endorsed Barack Obama in 1996-and have backed him ever since. It appears they don’t find his vice presidential…
West’s Main Enemies Meet
The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation is the new Warsaw Pact-with money and oil. Grouping Russia, China and much of Central Asia into an economic and security…
Obama’s Communist Mentor Frank Marshall Davis More Famous by the Day
After hitting the Telegraph recently, the boyhood relationship between Barack Obama and long time Communist Party activist Frank Marshall Davis has hit the mainstream American…
Green Party file 3 Jeanette Fitzsimons, Covert Socialist?
Green Party file 2 here If anybody epitomises the Green Party’s deceptive public persona it is long time party leader Jeanette Fitzsimons. Outwardly gentle, moderate…
Our Passion to Destroy Capitalism … Remains Unwavering'
From Links-journal of the Australian Our passion to destroy capitalism … remains unwavering’: Declaration of the African Conference on Participatory Democracy Johannesburg Declaration of the…
South Africa Builds Relations With Cuba
South Africa rapidly heading down the gurgler. Time for NZ to cut sporting links with the Republic I think. From Cuba’s Prensa Latina Havana, Aug…
UK Telegragh "Outs" Obama’s Bent Mentor
Look what an humble Kiwi blogger started. New Zeal was the first to expose Barack Obama’s boyhood relationship with Communist Party USA member Frank Marshall…
Libz "Out" Red Greens
Great anti Green Party vid from the Libz. Using a bit of my info I might add. Happy to see it used to such good…
"Outing" Obama
Hat Tip The Autonomist Ayers in Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela
Biden on Obama
What does Obama’s VP choice Joe Biden think of his new boss? Hat Tip The Autonomist
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