I suggested that Socialist Worker Trotskyists are planning a new left wing political to challenge Labour.
I was right.
From Socialist Worker’s UnityBlog
PUBLIC FORUM “A New Left Party: Build it Now!”
The Labour government’s demonisation of the Urewera 17 is just another nail in the coffin of any claims it has to represent working people, Maori or anyone else up at th sharp end of globalisation and imperialism. Around the world, new left parties built by the millions and not the millionaires are rising up to take the fight to the “centre-left” parties who have spat upon the people who built them.
Come and join the discussion, and hear about some of the things that have been happening in Aotearoa recently as activists and workers take the first step to our own new party of the Left.
Wednesday December 5th, 7:30 pm
Unite Union Offices
12th floor, cnr Queen Street and Wellesley Street
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