Bolshevik Bum Barer Bollocks Bogus Bun Blogger

Some time ago I posted about Christchurch activist Joe Davies mooning the Queen during a royal visit.

I used a picture of some naked male buttocks to illustrate the story, implying they were Joe’s.

Understandably Joe was offended that the poor quality cheeks on display were being passed off as his own beautiful bum.

Joe has kindly sent me a photo of the real thing;

Thanks very much Joe-I’m most impressed, as I’m sure was HRH.

The contrast is glaring, Joe’s backside is far and away more aesthetic than the scrawny, pimply specimen I tried to pass off as his.

I doubt anyone was fooled though because Joe’s buttocks are world famous in New Zealand for the quality of their curve and the symmetry of their split.

I have replaced the offending photograph with the genuine article and apologise unreservedly for the slur upon Joe’s honour.


Author: Admin

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