From Heather Roy
Tomorrow will see people around the country celebrating the 20th anniversary of Labour’s New Zealand Nuclear-Free Zone Disarmament and Arms Control Act – a piece of legislation that has long outlived its relevance and that is now having negative repercussions on the nation, ACT New Zealand National Security Spokesman Heather Roy said.
“In today’s nuclear-free debate, it is often forgotten that Lange’s initial intention was simply to ban nuclear weapons – it was only after much persuasion that he agreed to also ban nuclear-propelled vessels from New Zealand waters,” Mrs Roy said.
“In 1992, however, the Cabinet-commissioned Somers Report found nuclear-propelled ships to be safe and stated that the dangers lay largely only in the mind of opponents of nuclear propulsion.
“Yet, today, nuclear-powered ships are still not allowed to enter New Zealand waters – and, for some time, all nuclear-powered vessels have been banned from carrying nuclear weapons.
“The fact is that Labour’s nuclear-free legislation has passed its use-by date – and, by clinging to it, we are allowing relations with our traditional allies to deteriorate: British and US warships – whether nuclear or conventionally-powered – never visit New Zealand, and we are no longer privy to the high level of security intelligence or joint training exercises our defence force previously enjoyed.
“New Zealand has made a huge contribution to international peace and freedom, but we’ve also been a recipient of foreign military assistance – particularly from the US during the Pacific Theatre of WWII. Clinging to this outdated means we may not be able to rely on such assistance again.
“Helen Clark says we live in ‘a benign strategic environment’ – she is wrong. The reality is that New Zealand is at risk of external threats and can no longer rely on our allies to come to our aid when we have gone a long way towards alienating them,” Mrs Roy said.
Couldn’t agree more Reid.
Unfortunately the NZ left have done good job of turning what was a cowardly sell-out to the Soviets, into an act of Kiwi independence and heroism.
Consequently most NZers still think it is a good thing.
My party, ACT, is the only party in Parliament openly calling for its overturn.
The “conservative” National Party has no stomach for bucking public opinion on this issue.
However, a few more Kiwis seem to be waking up as the economic implications become apparent.
Trevor, I’m glad you have posted on this subject.
NZ unofficially withdrew from ANZUS when it enacted anti-nuclear laws in the 80’s. As an Anglophile and friend of NZ I was upset over the change. NZ is the smallest of the major Anglosphere nations. I consider the US, the UK, Canada, Australia and NZ to be the major Anglosphere nations. (I would like to include Ireland in the Anglosphere but the Irish would have a problem with that.) Despite being small NZ always played a outsize role in military affairs until recently. I would like to see NZ return to full military alliance with Australia and the US in ANZUS. Even if NZ doesn’t expand it’s military it can do it’s part by allowing US nuclear navy port calls.
I have had it confirmed by 3 ex-US sailors from the Vietnam era that Auckland was the favorite Port-of-Call for the US Navy. The NZ hospitality, nightlife, women, professional women and the lack of crime made Auckland port calls the favorite of the US Navy.
US nuclear navy port calls are good for NZ defense, good for NZ business, good for the US Navy and good for the Anglosphere and free world.