Hat Tip Once Upon a Time in the West
The Sandinista presidential candidate, Daniel Ortega, gained the presidential elections in Nicaragua in first round, according to a fast count disclosed by Ethics and Transparency (EyT). Daniel Ortega is the winner of the presidential election of Sunday in Nicaragua with 38.4% of the votes, according to results of the fast count offered this Monday by Etica and Transparencia.
The presidential candidate by the FSLN surpasses this way Eduardo Montealegre, of the Nicaraguan Liberal Alliance that obtains 29.52% of the votes. The candidate Curly Jose, from the Constitutionalist Liberal Party arrives in third position with 24.15%, whereas Edmundo Jarquín, of Sandinista the Renovador Movement conquers 7.44% of the electoral preference.
So as the result of a split conservative vote (the two “Liberal” parties score 54% of the vote as against the two Marxist party’s 46%), Nicaragua is now the latest Latin American nation to fall to the hard left.
A close ally of both Castro and Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, Ortega will quickly align his impoverished country to the neo-communist movement which now almost dominates Latin America.
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