Hat Tip: Nancy Jacques
Accuracy in Media
This film explores how, four years ago, America’s Survival, Inc. unmasked Barack Obama’s communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, and released his 600-page FBI file. Davis had been under surveillance for 19 years, suspected of espionage, and on the FBI’s “security index.” ASI President Cliff Kincaid discusses how Davis was identified and his identity confirmed. Kincaid also examines how the media continue to ignore the story of the century. See: www.LeninandSharia.com for conference videos and reports from ASI’s July 19 “Vetting Obama” conference.
They should all be put into prison. Our jails should be full of politician that have cheated,lied, got rich from their office and failed to up hold the Constitution. It’s time to rid this country of the crooked banister, the left leaning manipulating media, Hollywood and communist organizations Like the ACLU.
Obama can’t stand what America stands for!!! When Obama is out of the White House I don’t know how Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Joe Biden, Hilary Clinton and the rest of the Democrat party can sleep at night. They just sat there and let Obama run America into the ground. Pelosi, Reid, Biden, Clinton and Hoyer along with some other Democrats should be ran out of America. And never let them come back to the U.S. again. They are all just as Anti – American and Communist as Obama is!!!!
You all remember when a piture was taken of Air Force I over shadowing the Statue of Liberty? Well these people deal in symbols and what do you think that picture was a symbol of? Bingo…..you got it.
Why else was that picture taken? What was the meaning of it?