Tag: KGB
Radical Islam: a Communist tool against the West
“The KGB boss described the Muslim world as a waiting petri dish, in which we could nurture a strain of hate-America.” – Lt. Gen. Ion Pacepa…
R.I.P. Marina Kalashnikova – May Your Memory be Honored
Has the criminal Russian state claimed another victim? Marina Kalashnikova died two days ago in Moscow of cancer. Both she and her husband Victor were…
Exclusive, Must Read!!! Part 4: Former KGB Colonel Victor Kalashnikov on the Snowden Affair, Russian Penetration of Western Countries, and the Secret History of the Second World War
By: J.R. Nyquist In Part 3 of this series former KGB analyst Victor Kalashnikov criticized the West’s academic experts on Russia. He said that these…
NSA “Leaker” Snowden to Join KGB Veterans Group
From Daniel Greenfield at Frontpage News: Because he’s an American patriot. And nothing says patriotism like trying to join the KGB. True patriots who defect…
Must Read!!! “Disinformation”
Millions of Americans have had their thinking shaped by armies of Soviet/Russian disinformation agents. Moscow, for decades, has been pumping lies into the West, that…
Absolutely Must Read! Part 3: Former KGB Colonel Victor Kalashnikov on the Dangers of Putin Worship, Russia’s Anti-Western Alliance With Islam, and the Kremlin’s Grand Strategy
By J.R. Nyquist The following paragraphs serve as “background support” for Victor Kalashnikov’s thesis. Many readers of Part 2 may not have understood Victor Kalashnikov’s…
Exclusive! Part 1: Former KGB Colonel Victor Kalashnikov on the Dangers of Putin Worship, Russia’s Anti-Western Alliance With Islam, Plans to Destroy NATO, Iran, Syria, the New KGB and Cooperation With European Fascists
Viktor Kalashnikov is a Russian freelance journalist and a former KGB colonel. In the autumn of 2010, he and his wife Marina, a historian, were…
“Obama’s Sword and Shield”
From The American Spectator By Paul Kengor & Ion Mihai Pacepa Our president has a deaf ear, no thanks to the KGB. Call us crazy…
Obama and Putin’s Secret Correspondence
More on the Obama/Putin letter exchanges. This is very dangerous stuff folks. America’s pro-Moscow communist affiliated President Obama, doing secret deals with Russia’s KGB President…
Why Are They Lying?
By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media On the Letterman show, President Barack Obama once again blamed Middle East violence on a movie, adding that he…
Wayne Madsen: Leftist Spin Merchant and “Red Diaper Baby”
Investigative “journalist” Wayne Madsen is one of the most prolific purveyors of anti-American “literature” currently operating in the US. Madsen is one of the main…
Russian-backed Propaganda Networks Claim Obama is a CIA Agent
Certain elements associated with Russian propaganda channel Russia Today have been spreading the idea that Barack Obama has long been a tool of the C.I.A….
Willing Accomplices: A Book Review
By Butte Metz The new book “Willing Accomplices” by former CIA agent Kent Clizbe; is a well researched book that harkens back to earlier works…
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