Tag: Enemies Within
#EnemiesWithin: Trevor Loudon Releases Mini-Doc on Florida’s Andrew Gillum
This week, Trevor Loudon presents Part One of a series exposing the radical ties of Florida Gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum. Gillum, the current mayor of…
WATCH: Trevor Loudon Exposes Security Risk Members of Congress #EnemiesWithin
Watch Trevor’s explosive videos on Reps. Andre Carson and Rosa DeLauro. Watch last week’s videos on Sen. Tim Kaine & Rep. Bobby Rush. This week…
It’s Simple Math: #DACA Would Create a Democratic ‘One Party State’ From 2020 Onward
If President Trump compromises on DACA, you can kiss America goodbye. It’s very simple math, people. We can safely assume that the vast majority of…
DSA: ‘Single Payer’ Is All About ‘Rejecting The American Capitalist Way Of Life’ (VIDEO)
The movement for “single payer” or government run healthcare has nothing to do with your health. It’s all about stealth revolution, socialism and control. “Medicare…
WATCH: Trevor Loudon’s movies – Exposing the enemies of America (Videos)
In 2017, in collaboration with the Capital Research Center, Trevor Loudon and Director Judd Saul created a series of mini-documentaries made free to the public:…
Calling on Speaker Paul Ryan to bring H.R. 377 – Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act of 2017 for a House Vote
“America faces in addition to the threat of violent jihad another, even more toxic danger – a stealthy and pre-violent form of warfare aimed at…
WATCH TRAILER: COMING APRIL 28: #AmericaUnderSiege: Soviet Islam (video)
The next episode in Capital Research Center’s five-part “America Under Siege” webseries, “Soviet Islam,” releases April 28th on its YouTube channel and DangerousDocumentaries.com. The film uncovers…
#EnemiesWithin: Trevor’s Schedule for March: Michigan, Ohio, Canada!
Trevor Loudon will be screening his film, the Enemies Within throughout March. He also has some speaking engagements during this time. If you are in town,…
Trevor Loudon in Texas! Speaking and showing ‘The Enemies Within’ this week!
New Zealand author and film maker Trevor Loudon will be speaking and showing his documentary, The Enemies Within, around Texas the next week and a half….
WATCH! Trevor Loudon on The Glazov Gang (video)
From The Glazov Gang website: This new special edition of the Glazov Gang was joined by Trevor Loudon, the writer and director of the new…
#LoudonClear: Tonight’s Special Guest Director Judd Saul (Audio)
Trevor Loudon hosts special guest “Enemies Within” Director Judd Saul on this week’s #LoudonClear. Listen:
Could your Congressman pass an FBI security check? Luis Gutierrez of Illinois wouldn’t have a prayer
Luis Gutierrez is one of many “security risk” Congressmen and Senators exposed in Trevor Loudon’s new documentary: The Enemies Within. Luis Gutierrez represents the 4th district…
Trevor Loudon presents “Enemies Within” Florida screenings
I will be showing my new documentary “The Enemies Within” across Florida over the coming week. I hope ypu can make it. All those who…
ORDER: ‘The Enemies Within’ DVD available NOW!
ORDER The Enemies Within DVD Trevor Loudon will soon be hitting the road to promote his long-awaited, hard-hitting political documentary, The Enemies Within! But you don’t…
WATCH: Funding update for #EnemiesWithin Movie (video)
Do you think a movie would be a good tool for people to use to show their families and friends about the dangers of radical…
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