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Deborah Coddington for Reserve Bank Governor

Former ACT MP Deborah Coddington has got it dead right with her excellent article on Reserve Bank heavy handedness in yesterday’s NZ Herald. Some excerpts…

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Lindsay Mitchell’s new Blog

Lindsay Mitchell, ACT’s number nine and Hutt South candidate from the ’05 election has launched a Blog. Lindsay has been campaigning against the state strangulation…

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Tom Poata, the Original "Maori Radical" Part 2

Around 1969 Tom Poata had come to know the Lake family. Poata and the Lakes worked together in many areas including the Communist Party’s youth…

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Timaru Rebel Fights "Fag" Fascists

From today’s NZ Herald“The fight is not over for Timaru publican Geoffrey Mulvihill who was convicted yesterday of failing to enforce the smokefree legislation in…

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5,000 Hits

Just ticked over 5,000 “hits”. Thanks to all my readers out there and to my colleagues in the freedom end of the “blogosphere” for their…

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Rodney Hide-Poli of the Year

The Christchurch Press’ political commentatator Peter Luke has named ACT leader, Rodney Hide as “Politician of the Year”. Luke named Rodney above Michael Cullen, John…

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Eden Bacon? Not Bloody Likely, I’m an Anarchist

The Premier Bacon Company is threatening legal action against Mark Eden of the Wellington Animal Rights Network, who has registered and put up a…

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Nick Smith, May I Have a Picnic on Your Lawn?

National’s Nelson MP, Nick Smith is a major worry. His latest idiocy is his Overseas Investment (Queen’s Chain Extension) Amendment Bill, currently before a select…

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Franks Takes Courts to Task

Former ACT MP Stephen Franks makes some excellent points in his latest “Unfranked”. “An Auckland court withheld from the jury a videotape said to show…

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Tom Poata, the Original "Maori Radical" Part 1

Two prominent former members of the Communist Party of NZ’s, rebellious Wellington branch died recently. Rona Bailey died in September, Tama Te Kapua (Tom) Poata…

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Frogblog Compares Orewa Speech to Cronulla Riots

The Green party’s Frogblog has once again lost the pond. In a post today, one of our slimy green comrades, tried to compare the thuggery…

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Sorry David ; Standards Based Assessment is Crap

David Farrar over at Kiwiblog has got it half right on “standards based assessment.” David agrees with the NZ Herald “that standards-based assessment is as…

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NCEA and the Law of Unintended Consequences

The integrity of the NCEA qualification is under attack yet again, this time from National’s Education spokesman, Bill English. Labour Education Minister, Steve Maharey has…

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Should Stanley Williams Have Been Executed?

I had little sympathy for Stanley “Tookie” Williams, executed last night by lethal injection in California. A quadruple murderer, gang leader and violent thug of…

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Philip Morris Takes the Gutless Option

Cigarette company Philip Morris, “responsible for a brand of cigarettes causing offence to Maori” has apologised for any insult. The company’s Israeli subdivision has been…

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