Posted in 2020 Election Enemies Within Liberty

Trevor Loudon’s ‘Security Risk Senators’ is Available Now!

All orders through this website will be personally autographed by author Trevor Loudon.

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Posted in Election News

Trump: We Know Him by His Enemies

By: Thomas Wigand To a degree unique in American history, President Donald J. Trump has confronted – and been confronted by – an enemies list…

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Posted in Election News News Socialism/Communism

The Marxist General in the American Civil War

By: Cliff Kincaid Despite claims of a MAGA Red Wave on November 8, Barack Hussein Obama pulled it off. America’s first Marxist president emerged from…

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Posted in Election News Local Elections

Deplorables at the Gate

By: Thomas Wigand November 9, 2022 This is written the day after the 2022 midterms; the day after the “red tsunami” appears to have been nothing but…

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Posted in Election News News Socialism/Communism

Arizona Today – Trevor Loudon

By: Lyle Rapacki | Arizona Today Mr. Loudon is a researcher par excellence, an author, and a public speaker. He discusses his two newest books and…

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Posted in Barack Obama News Socialism/Communism

Obama Is Never Going Away

By: Cliff Kincaid Even if Republicans take back Congress on November 8, America will continue to be a Marxist state. The return of Barack Hussein…

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Posted in News Socialism/Communism

Trevor Loudon’s Proposal To Eliminate Foreign Infiltration Is So Radical, It Might Just Work

By: JD Rucker | NOQ Report Trevor Loudon has been fighting the good fight against foreign infiltration in the United States for decades. The New Zealand…

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Posted in Election News News

Censorship Ordered By Biden Admin

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code Simply, it is a violation of the law. Remember recently when the Department of Homeland Security was creating a disinformation…

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Posted in Economics News

Civil Society Collapses With No Diesel Fuel

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code The Biden Green agenda will soon destroy the nation, there is no dispute. Having a war on fossil fuel is…

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Posted in Asia-Pacific News

Who Needs To Be Fired Or Jailed At The Pentagon?

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code Is there an Inspector General on the case? Where is the DIA or the FBI? Hypersonics refers to a range…

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Posted in News

Video Of Damage To The Nord Stream 1 Pipeline

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code According to a German security official, the evidence points to a violent act rather than a technical issue. Swedish seismologists detected…

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Posted in News

Chinese Immigrant And CEO Of Konnech, An Election Software Company, Was Arrested

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code Do you think the J6 Committee is even aware of this or will include it in hearings or reports? As…

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Posted in News

One Pill Can Kill

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code Those dying from fentanyl are not drug addicts, rather they are dying because they think they may be taking regular…

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Posted in Economics Environmentalism News

Biden’s Energy Depression Is Nigh

Doug Ross @ Journal What will skyrocketing energy prices mean for U.S. consumers this winter? Seniors, the poor, those living paycheck to paycheck will suffer…

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Posted in Uncategorized

Procedures for Continuity in Government due to Nuclear Armageddon

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code It remains unclear whether President Biden revealed information that may have been part of a classified White House briefing…

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