Deductive Reasoning: Who Actually Controls the GOP?

By: Thomas Wigand

Deductive Reasoning: “Reaching an answer or a decision by thinking carefully about the known facts.” – Cambridge Dictionary

KNOWN FACT: GOP candidates present themselves as patriotic alternatives to Democrats, promising American citizens fiscal responsibility, secure borders and immigration enforcement, and Supreme Court Justices that will uphold the Constitution as written. 

KNOWN FACT: The GOP rarely delivers for its voters, except platitudes and half-measures.

KNOWN FACT: The GOP is notorious for its candidates, once in office, of doing “a 180” and stabbing their supporters in the back.

KNOWN FACT: Federal officeholders (of both parties) have a knack for becoming wealthy while in office, in numbers that are actuarily-impossible to have occurred by mere good fortune.

KNOWN FACT: For months the Democrats have been pushing a “Build Back Better” scheme to massively increase the size and scope of the federal government – by several trillion dollars of debt – far beyond any conceivable Constitutional size and scope for the federal government, but instead consistent with a totalitarian, Collectivist state.

KNOWN FACT: “Build Back Better” is the shared slogan with the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” scheme to (amongst other things) subordinate all nation-states beneath an unelected, global control scheme.  One closely resembling Corporatist Fascism, albeit with the dominant position flipped (here the state being subordinate to corporate and financial interests, and not-vice versa). 

KNOWN FACT:  Support for the “Great Reset” via its Trojan Horse slogan of “Build Back Better” therefore constitutes de facto advocacy for the destruction of the sovereignty of The United States of America, and the Constitution under which it operates.  One could call this treason.

KNOWN FACT: The WEF openly admits that its “Great Reset” intends for people to “own nothing” and to be eating bugs instead of meat – by 2030!  In other words, condemning average Americans and their descendants to an unimaginably reduced standard of living.

KNOWN FACT: Despite the catastrophic consequences of “Build Back Better” for America – and just as the GOP has remained silent about the stolen election / coup of 2020 – the GOP has remained silent about the actual significance of the Democrats’ working to enact a “Build Back Better” bill. 

Based upon these known facts, we can conclude:

Most Americans don’t hate our country; nor do they wish to condemn their children to a subsistence-level existence of owning nothing and eating bugs (the exact opposite of the “American Dream”).  So, raising as campaign issues the Democrats’ intention to impose “Build Back Better” on the American people is a “no brainer” for an opposition party.  Indeed, anyone who cares about our country and its future would feel duty-bound to oppose “Build Back Better.”

The GOP’s purposeful silence about election fraud, and purposeful silence regarding what the Democrats actually intend with “Build Back Better,” indicates that the GOP is not opposed to the Democrat agenda.  And since the election steal / coup of 2020 presumably (illegitimately) flipped control of the House and Senate to the Democrats – it’s apparent that the GOP isn’t even opposed to Democrat control of the White House or Congress.

One cannot help but conclude then that the GOP as currently constituted does not exist as an actual political party, at least not one in opposition to the Democrats or otherwise representing its voters.  Rather, the facts force one to conclude that its role is to merely serve as a cast-member in a kabuki theater; one intended to deceive Americans into believing that they have a voice at the ballot box.  Once one looks at it this way, it becomes obvious as well that the Democrat Party is the lead player, while the GOP plays the supporting role.

Cui bonoWho benefits?  Who do the GOP (and Democrats) actually serve; to whom do they answer?  It’s obviously not the voters, or the American people generally.

Well, follow the money and the power. The primary fountainheads of money and power today are Globalist interests and the CCP (Chinese Communist Party).  The Globalists and CCP, in turn, may answer to yet other individuals and entities that are further behind the curtain (more on that in a bit).

The Globalist interests are the WEF, the central banks, multinational banks and corporations, the U.N., and various NGO’s (e.g., George Soros’ “Open Society” and the “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation”).  We’ll refer to them collectively as “D.A.V.O.S.” (in recognition of the fact that Davos, Switzerland, is where they meet for their annual plotting planning meetings, and so is the de facto Globalist headquarters).

For its part, the CCP is notorious for compromising leadership in targeted countries, including politicians; by various means harnessing them to do the CCP’s bidding in ways that are not immediately apparent to the public. In the U.S., for example, the Democrat Party’s Eric Swalwell and Biden family are not anomalies.  And note that Mike Lindell and his team have fingered the CCP as being actively involved with the election steal / coup of 2020.

So too has the WEF recruited “leaders” to do its bidding.  Like a politi-pedophile, it has groomed “young leaders” who now hold a disturbingly wide array of powerful offices around the globe (do look at the link to the left).

Below them are the nomenklatura of the treasonous class – e.g., the FBI / DOJ, CIA and IRS – whose lucre is not nearly the scale of the leaders and principals of D.A.V.O.S., but still live far better average Americans.  Some traitors come cheaper than others.

D.A.V.O.S. has worked hand-in-glove with the CCP to deindustrialize the West.  Then it garnered incalculable wealth off of the excess profits to be by through manufacturing based on the near-slave-to-slave labor provided by the CCP – and then selling the finished products to (indebted) Americans and Europeans at inflated prices.

It may well be that one (or both) of D.A.V.O.S. and the CCP consider themselves to be the “top dog” in this axis bent on taking down the United States of America (the only power on earth strong enough to have a chance to stop the global totalitarianism they jointly envisage). 

Or, they may for now they have “an understanding” or “partnership” of equals.  If so, it’s unlikely that one or both aren’t using the other, intending to grasp the “top dog” status after the United States is nullified and the Great Reset imposed. 

In any case, no matter their internal machinations, singly and jointly they present existential threats to us.

At the same time, many believe that D.A.V.O.S. and the CCP are just the visible manifestations of even darker powers behind the curtain, the real “top dog(s)” pulling the strings.  Mentioned (amongst others) are individuals and families and groups like Rothchild; Rockefeller; Council on Foreign Relations; Freemasons and Illuminati.  With the information currently available to us, it is impossible to accurately assess which of those are active and hold power.

But one thing we can know for sure: behind all of the secular curtain(s), Satan is their top-dog

The brave soldiers of WWII, in landing craft approaching the beach at Normandy, did not concern themselves with who all were the Wehrmacht generals and field marshals calling the shots in Berlin – nor should they have.  They knew that they had to establish the beachhead … and that if they were successful, somewhere down the road those generals and field marshals would get their reckoning. 

As they did.  At the Nuremberg Trials. A result of which several of those responsible for convicted for “crimes against humanity” … and were hung.

For now, we must do the same – concentrate on establishing a beachhead to secure the United States and, to the extent possible, allied nation states with citizens of strong disposition. (Poland and Hungary come to mind; Australia if the AustraliaOne Party successfully establishes a beachhead there.)

We’ll touch on how we can establish beachheads, and much more, in the final installment of this series.


Archbishop Viganò: The Church’s Churchill?

Deductive Reasoning: The GOP Was “In” On the Steal

NEXT IN THIS SERIES: Deductive Reasoning: Could the D.A.V.O.S.-CCP Axis Be Plotting a Debt-Trap Takeover of the United States?


I am the author of the book Communiqués From the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy– available on Kindle ($2.99) and in paperback ($12.99). Please consider enjoying my work by purchasing and reading.  Thank you.


Author: Thomas Wigand

Thomas C. Wigand is a citizen patriot – trained as an attorney and hailing from Florida – who in in his own small way is fighting alongside stalwarts such as Trevor Loudon, Cliff Kincaid and David Horowitz. Fighting alongside they and all other patriots that recognize the existential threat posed by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Collectivism: Progressivism; Socialism; Fascism and Communism. Mr. Wigand is the author of the book "Communiqués From The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy” available on Amazon in print and Kindle versions.

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2 thoughts on “Deductive Reasoning: Who Actually Controls the GOP?

  1. Dear Bill:

    I thought I was clear about who controls the GOP (see quote below).

    Point taken; and I agree that “Progressives” are anything but. It’s a term the American iteration of Collectivists used for several decades (think Woodrow Wilson era); they morphed to (inaccurately) calling themselves “Liberal” when “Progressive” earned a negative connotation with the American public.

    Eventually the same eventually happened with “Liberal” becoming a pejorative, and so they morphed back to calling themselves “Progressives” figuring that most Americans were too young to remember. I used it only because that’s how they currently identify themselves, and so that how most readers would understand who I am talking about.

    In the course of this series I make clear that, at root, Progressives, Communists, Socialists etc. are all minions of Satan.

    Quote from article above:

    Cui bono? Who benefits? Who do the GOP (and Democrats) actually serve; to whom do they answer? It’s obviously not the voters, or the American people generally.

    Well, follow the money and the power. The primary fountainheads of money and power today are Globalist interests and the CCP (Chinese Communist Party). The Globalists and CCP, in turn, may answer to yet other individuals and entities that are further behind the curtain (more on that in a bit).

    The Globalist interests are the WEF, the central banks, multinational banks and corporations, the U.N., and various NGO’s (e.g., George Soros’ “Open Society” and the “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation”). We’ll refer to them collectively as “D.A.V.O.S.” (in recognition of the fact that Davos, Switzerland, is where they meet for their annual plotting planning meetings, and so is the de facto Globalist headquarters).

  2. I give this excellent, well written review and explanation of current affairs in America an 83 / C because…
    a. He did not clearly explain “who actually controls the GOP”
    b. He still uses the labels “Progressives”, who are NOT creating “progress” (a dumb label) rather they are “regressive”; Socialists (Canada, Great Britain, etc. are socialist governments) but we are facing Marxists not socialists (he’s not calling a spade, a spade);

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