By: Cliff Kincaid
When FDR waged World War II, he could mobilize the entire country. President Trump faces an assortment of enemies, here and abroad. These include China, source of the virus; Russia, which is driving American oil producers out of business through overproduction of cheap oil; a toxic anti-American media culture; and a Democratic Party that wants to undermine Trump through investigations and make him (and the country) fail.
Another factor is that FDR could mobilize American industrial power. We are now learning that much of that power was outsourced to China. It is sad and tragic that the once-great United States made decisions over the course of the last 40 years that facilitated the build-up of China into an industrial and economic superpower. Henry Kissinger began the policy of appeasing China and it was implemented through its ascension to the World Trade Organization. China became a Frankenstein monster devouring the world.
Coming into office, Trump recognized this problem and sought through various policies to rectify the situation. As I see it, the China virus was revenge for Trump’s tariffs on Chinese goods. Otherwise, China and its handmaidens in the World Health Organization would have quickly alerted the world to the nature of this beast. They lied and Americans died.
Although opinions differ, the consensus of the various medical experts is that this is a highly contagious disease, with symptoms in severe cases much worse than the flu, lung damage worse than the flu, and a death rate overall that may be much worse than seasonal flu.
President Trump had no alternative but to defer to these authorities. But he has to suspect, based on its contagious and deadly nature, that the virus may have been engineered. China has a bioweapons program that has been documented by such authorities as former Soviet scientist Ken Alibek and analyst Eric Croddy. Nobody with a serious mind assumes it was just a coincidence that the virus came out of a region with a Chinese lab conducting secret research.
Our enemies seem to have us where they want us – our people are dying and the economy is collapsing. China is betting that it will come out on top of the world. Then, the old Sino/Soviet split will be exposed as another great deception. Russia will dominate the oil markets and have Europe under its control.
In the middle of all of this, President Trump is attempting to rally the nation. He is stuck with a medical bureaucracy that relied on China for misinformation about the virus and a media that plays gotcha at daily press briefings. He understands the gravity of the situation but is obviously limited by what he can say publicly about the threat. As I argued in a recent column, the invisible enemy has a name.
To his credit, Trump has broken with the “experts” to facilitate public access to various alternative drugs and treatments. This could be the development that helps America turn the corner in the weeks ahead.
While FDR could rally the nation into war production for the United States military, which was deployed abroad, today’s threat is so great that the military is being diverted into domestic uses and purposes. America’s military and National Guard are building hospitals and taking care of patients. Meanwhile, Navy ships are being infected with the virus and the Pentagon is warning that the spread of the virus could affect U.S. military readiness and our ability to deter our enemies from further strikes.
This is yet another problem that Trump has to take into account as he navigates the difficult path of safeguarding America’s survival.
At the same time, the globalists opposed to his election and candidacy are continuing the drumbeat of opposing the only way — through America-first policies – that we have of escaping the morass we found ourselves in.
Consider that the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) journal Foreign Affairs has published another anti-Trump article, “’“America First’ Is a Dangerous Fantasy in a Pandemic: Foreign Aid and Global Leadership Will Be Integral to Any Solution,” which endorses the same mistakes that got us into this mess in the first place. The article is by former Obama official Philip H. Gordon.
The use of a CFR publication to attack Trump is not unexpected. This is the organization that boasted Soviet spy Alger Hiss, a founder of the United Nations, as a prominent member.
This article ignores China’s lies, as well as the fact that the World Health Organization told the world on January 14 that the virus could not be transmitted between people. On January 21, relying on Chinese and WHO’s data, Dr. Anthony Fauci told TV host Greg Kelly that “this is not a major threat for the people of the United States. And this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.” Dr. Deborah Birx admits China gave the U.S. “incomplete data” about the virus. That’s a polite way of saying the Red Chinese lied so Americans died.
In the face of this mass murder, socialist U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres demands a “global ceasefire,” adding, “The virus does not care about nationality or ethnicity, faction or faith. It attacks all, relentlessly.” But China is directly implicated in the genocide.
Former Obama officials are ignoring the role of China in this worldwide meltdown for an obvious reason: Barack Hussein Obama was an acolyte of global Marxism and actually met with Chinese dictator Xi in November 2017 during a meeting described by the British Guardian as a chat between two “veteran cadres.” They were “all smiles.”
A Russian media organ took note as well, saying the term “veteran cadres” is “generally used to refer to retired Chinese Communist Party officials.” It was a tip-off that Obama was serving the communist cause all the time he was serving as president of the United States.
It’s the case we were making in our three books on Obama, including Red Star Rising: The Making of Barack Hussein Obama and the Transformation of America.
Trump is facing a difficult fight that is made worse by the actions of publicity-seeking governors who complain about the delivery of supplies while closing churches and keeping abortion clinics, liquor stores, and pot shops open.
The only thing worse is the conduct of certain reporters at the daily press briefings, as they attempt to bring down a president trying hard to save lives.
Whatever executive orders may remain in place, the people of the various states are not going to wait long to return in numbers to the closed churches, even risking their lives in a desperate attempt to appeal to God to save their nation. Many Americans are praying now more than ever. They are praying for their president.
*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org.