By: Cliff Kincaid
President Trump is in a difficult situation. If he were to disclose circumstantial evidence that the coronavirus virus is a Chinese bioweapon, there would be calls for retaliation against the Communist regime. Such a declaration could lead to more fear, the threat of war, and perhaps a global economic collapse. As it is, the virus is causing a market meltdown. He does not want to contribute to panic and further collapse.
Politically, his reelection hangs in the balance.
Aside from Senator Tom Cotton, China experts such as Steven Mosher and Gordon Chang, and the newspaper The Epoch Times, few people in politics or the media are asking the hard questions about whether the virus is a weapon of war.
But the evidence is available for those who take the time to review the facts.
Also known as COVID-19, it is considered by many at this point to be just another mystery disease like the flu-like virus SARS, which also originated in China. But the number of deaths from the coronavirus has already surpassed the fatalities from the SARS outbreak. It appears to have a higher mortality rate than the flu.
What’s more, a controversial but disputed scientific report indicates that the coronavirus has elements of HIV, the virus causing AIDS. This suggests it was engineered.
The Wuhan Institute of Virology is located in the city where the virus is said to have originated. The institute claims to be committed to “effectively improving our [China’s] defense and resilience towards biological wars and terrorist attacks.” Hence, it has a military orientation.
The official Chinese propaganda organ, Xinhuanet, ran a story headlined, “China slams conspiracy theories about COVID-19 virus.” At a so-called news briefing, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang said, “The WHO [U.N.’s World Health Organization] has said repeatedly there is no evidence that COVID-19 was engineered in a laboratory or created by the manufacture of biological weapons.” But nearly everyone agrees that China’s role in the outbreak has been characterized by lies and cover-ups. And the WHO’s role in “containing” the virus has been widely viewed as deferential to China. The U.N. bureaucracy moved too slowly.
Yet the WHO admits, “Any infectious agents or toxic chemical could, in theory, be engineered for deliberate use as a weapon.”
The official Chinese line at first was that the virus came from wildlife and it closed the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan city on January 1 for “environmental sanitation and disinfection.” Later, a Chinese outlet claimed the virus came from a “patient zero” character who emerged out of nowhere last November.
To add more mystery, last October the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security hosted a fictional coronavirus pandemic exercise called Event 201 with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. “Experts agree that it is only a matter of time before one of these epidemics becomes global — a pandemic with potentially catastrophic consequences,” the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security said. Gates is a big funder of the U.N., its World Health Organization, and HIV/AIDS vaccine research.
While some so-called “experts” are claiming the Trump Administration is unprepared, Trump is relying on these same experts to contain and solve the problem. The Wuhan Institute of Virology maintains partnerships with such governmental organizations as the National Institutes of Health in the United States and the WHO.
What’s more, several of the Chinese lab directors were educated in the United States and specialize in emerging diseases and genetic engineering. Research fields include “HIV, influenza virus, hepatitis virus, tumor virus, and zoonotic virus and virus replication and antiviral drugs, etc.” This sounds impressive but the lab is an integral part of the Chinese Communist medical establishment and subservient to the state.
In another strange development, American biopharmaceutical company Gilead had applied for a Chinese patent on the use of the antiviral drug Remdesivir against coronaviruses back in 2016. The Wuhan Institute of Virology had also applied for its own Chinese patent on a copy of the drug.
It appears that China was considering the idea that profits could be made from a coronavirus outbreak and that it was trying to profit from the work already done by an American company. A compromise is reportedly being talked about so that pharmaceutical companies in both countries can make billions.
Even if we assume the leak of the virus was accidental and not deliberate, the world is still at the mercy of China, where it originated, and thousands if not millions could die. This makes China complicit in what are called crimes against humanity.
Commentators trying to play down the threat ignore the fact that scandals of this kind involving China have already occurred. One of the most notorious cases was contaminated Chinese-made heparin, a blood-thinning agent, which claimed at least 81 lives in the United States in 2007 and 2008.
The 2014 report of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission found that Baxter International, Inc., the U.S. company selling the heparin product, “relied on a long and complex supply chain for the active ingredient that led back to China. Somewhere in that upstream supply chain, someone deliberately inserted over-sulfated chondroitin sulfate, a counterfeit and toxic ingredient, for crude heparin.” The commission declared that the absence of checks and balances in China’s system “makes it difficult to hold manufacturers and officials accountable” and that China “never accepted that the contaminated drug caused the deaths associated with Baxter’s products in the United States.”
In regard to the coronavirus, the American liberal media line echo the official Chinese government claim that “experts” dismiss the idea that it was created by scientists and that any views to the contrary are conspiracies. Yet, in the case of SARS, it was later acknowledged that the virus had “escaped” from another Chinese lab. Our media do not want to hold China responsible for what emerged from their own territory.
The Trump Administration has appointed an HIV/AIDS expert, Dr. Deborah L. Birx, as the Coronavirus Response Coordinator. “She has developed and patented vaccines, including leading one of the most influential HIV vaccine trials in history,” the White House noted. Dr. Birx was originally confirmed under President Obama as director of the U.S. Global HIV/AIDS Office.
These credentials seem impressive. But HIV/AIDS vaccines have been in human trials since President Clinton in 1987 promised to make the creation and use of an AIDS vaccine “a national mission.” Today, however, there is no vaccine available that will prevent HIV infection or treat those who have HIV or AIDS. Billions of dollars have been wasted on failed HIV/AIDS vaccine research.
The Democrats in Congress are now rushing to pour billions of more taxpayer dollars into the development of a potentially risky coronavirus vaccine when it should be holding hearings on American involvement with the Chinese military-industrial-medical complex and whether sanctions should be imposed on the communist regime for threatening global health.
With a coronavirus vaccine under development that could make billions of dollars for Chinese or American companies, the nature of the virus takes on immense importance. If it indeed has elements of HIV, the “solution” to what appears to be shaping up as a pandemic could be a mandatory and potentially dangerous vaccine. Scientific papers openly discuss the prospect of a “coronavirus-based HIV multigene vaccine.”
All of this could do even more harm, as some vaccines rushed into production have backfired. A scientific paper by attorney Walter Kyle documented how contaminated polio vaccines may have led to cancers and AIDS in humans.
Keep an eye on those “experts,” Mr. President.
Cliff Kincaid is the president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org
If the DEMONocrats don’t care about Americans being killed by illegals, why do they pretend to care about Americans being killed by this coronavirus ??? They expose their hypocrisy continuously.
Yeah it looks like an opening shot by the CCP which is stung by Trump. Retaliation?
Travel restrictions are favourable to communism, and an economic attack could affect Trumps re-election. Perhaps Bernie has them excited.
The disease may peak outside China around April or May. Enough time to crash the stock market.
A brilliant strategic move if you are a communist. Lets see how it plays out.
If it is a bioengineered virus a retaliatory strike is appropriate.
If not then so be it. It may still collapse the economy.
Frankly if China just released a bioweapon on the world then they & the Russians are ready.