By: Lloyd Marcus
In response to my clarion call for citizens to push back against anti-Americanism and cultural assassins, several of you have asked how. Some believe the battle is already lost. Some think violent resistance is the only solution. I disagree with both mindsets.
We are a Christian nation founded upon the rock of biblical principles. This is why, unlike any other form of government, our constitution has survived over 243 years. It is up to each of us to pray, asking God to reveal our personal role in restoring America back to His original intention for our exceptional great nation.
In the gospel song, “Ordinary People” the lyric says, “Your little becomes much when you place it in the Master’s hand.” My younger brother is a perfect example of this truth. He is a deacon in a church in Baltimore with an all-black congregation. His pastor and the congregation hate Trump and Republicans and trend towards anti-Americanism. On numerous occasions, my black Republican brother has confronted his pastor and fellow parishioners about how their loyalty to the Democratic party conflicts with their supposed commitment to Jesus Christ and biblical teachings. Their response has been to impugn him, calling him an Uncle Tom. A church member laughed at my brother for wearing a tiny American flag lapel pin.
My brother said rather than leaving his church of 25 years, he feels led to stay to provide salt and light. He teaches a class at church for new Christians, taking every opportunity to explain how the Democrat’s agenda is contrary to God’s agenda. My brother said that more and more members are secretly coming to him, thanking him for opening their eyes to the truth. Praise God. This is how we restore America, folks, each of us doing what we can from where we are. In his own way, my brother is pushing back.
For decades, Republicans and Christians have passively allowed leftists to infect our youth with anti-Americanism and instill a culture of glorified debauchery while systemically secularizing our government. All references of America’s Christian founding have been removed from public education. Historian David Barton is pushing back by publishing his Founder’s Bible.
Nike, the sports apparel company, pulled their new Betsy Ross flag shoes off shelves because spoiled-brat anti-American multimillionaire Colin Kaepernickabsurdly claimed that Ross’s flag celebrates slavery.
Renowned conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh pushed back. He launched a “Stand Up for Betsy Ross” t-shirt campaign featuring the Betsy Ross flag. Proceeds benefit the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. Sales have gone through the roof. Thousands of Americans relished the opportunity to join Rush in pushing back against leftists’ relentless assaults on our great homeland.
Thank God for President Trump. Push back is in his DNA.
Democrats sought to destroy Bernie Marcus, co-founder of Home Depot, for donating to Trump’s reelection campaign. Unlike most Republicans, Trump pushed back. He boldly defended Marcus and Home Depot with the following tweet:
“A truly great, patriotic & charitable man, Bernie Marcus, the co-founder of Home Depot who, at the age of 90, is coming under attack by the Radical Left Democrats with one of their often-used weapons. They don’t want people to shop at those GREAT stores because he contributed to your favorite President, me!”
“These people are vicious and totally crazed, but remember, there are far more great people (‘Deplorables’) in this country, than bad. Do to them what they do to you. Fight for Bernie Marcus and Home Depot!”
Trump is righteously pushing back against illegals invading our country. Democrats and fake news media desire to corrupt our elections with illegal alien voters. Their sinister scheme began with President Obama removing the citizenship question from the census. Despite enraged Democrats and fake news media having a temper tantrum, Trump plans to issue an executive order to put the citizenship question back in the 2020 census. This is what courageous push back looks like.
I am seeing more and more signs that Americans are finally waking up, pushing back on the front lines of leftists’ war on babies, religious liberty, patriotism, and freedom.
For decades we have allowed leftists to dumb down public education; removing true American history and biblical morality from our schools. Consequently, ignorance of the biblical roots of our Constitution and the huge price paid for our freedoms poses the greatest threat to preserving American exceptionalism. We are literally one election away from losing our Founder’s divinely inspired vision of America. It is imperative that each of us pushes back; doing our part to restore and preserve this unique extraordinarily successful experiment called America.
Remember, “Your little becomes much when you place it in the Master’s hand.”
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American