By: James Simpson | American Thinker
The GOP-led House of Representatives must pass critical legislation before the Democrats take over Congress in January. Obamacare repeal and the Merit Act must be proposed, but most importantly, the House must pass immigration legislation that will facilitate President Trump’s ability to seal the border and build the wall.
If this is not done, GOP RINOs will work with Democrats to propose immigration “reform” that will include a massive amnesty, reflecting the desires of all Democrats to shore up their voting base with millions of imported voters and please the Chamber of Commerce and big business with the prospect of even more low-wage workers who will depress wages and steal American jobs.
Finally, if you think the caravans are bad now, legislation proposed by Democrats and their RINO allies would create a veritable tidal wave of caravans. If this happens, the GOP can kiss goodbye any chance of retaking the House in 2020. And do we have confidence the Senate would not support such legislation? If they did, GOP senators will be slaughtered in 2020 as well, and we may be looking at a President Harris, Booker, or possibly even Clinton.
That would be a disaster, to put it mildly. I don’t think our nation would ever recover. Venezuela, here we come.
And forget about the caravans, which are really invasion forces of mostly young, defiant males. As it stands, illegal aliens flooding the border are apprehended at the rate of almost 12,000 per week! Those are the ones we caught. When Trump first took office, border apprehensions dropped to historically low levels. But with the unprecedented pushback from the hard left with lawsuits and accommodating activist judges, Central American migrants got the word that they could still get away with illegally entering the U.S.
As shown in the table below, today, the numbers of illegals being apprehended at the border are approaching the highest levels of the Obama administration. Remember: these people are given a trial date for their asylum claims that will be heard months or even years from now – there is a backlog of over 1 million asylum cases already on the books. Few show up. De facto amnesty. And as we have seen all over the country, Democrats are registering illegals, allowing them to legally vote in some local elections, and even urging them to vote illegally in some cases.
The House must pass immigration legislation now, during the lame duck, and ram it through Congress for passage in the lame duck Senate. Critics of this idea say outgoing senators Jeff Flake and Bob Corker will vote against anything the GOP House does on immigration, health care, and whatever else. But we are in a unique position. It is crystal-clear that the House was lost because the GOP refused to wholeheartedly support the Trump agenda, and those candidates who spurned Trump were the losers.
It seems that if Senate leadership exerted the effort they did to nominate Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, they could perhaps arm-twist Flake and Corker into leaving the Senate with honor, rather than their disgraceful records of betrayal. But even if they refused to go along, Flake and Corker would be the ones to take the blame.
If the House instead does nothing during the lame duck session, the entire GOP Congress will get the blame. In addition to squandering what may be the last opportunity on real immigration reform, our nation will have to put up with the continuing Obamacare health care disaster and continue to witness widespread bureaucratic insubordination. In 2020, the United States will be taken over by the Democrats.
The base is rightfully infuriated at the GOP House for doing nothing. It will be worse then because they will be totally demoralized. Many already are. Minnesota, for example, looks to be a lost cause now. How on Earth could a corrupt, abusive anti-Semite like Keith Ellison get elected? How could a corrupt politician like Ilhan Omar, who committed immigration fraud by marrying her brother to get into the U.S., ever get elected?
Minnesota is the canary in the coal mine. According to my sources, the blue wave that did happen there was all over the state. In fact, it was so overwhelming that there may have been some kind of large-scale electoral shenanigans going on. What else is new? This is how Democrats play. The Somali leadership there, in bed with terror-supporting groups like the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), are expert at every description of fraud – they didn’t earn the moniker “Somali pirates” for nothing. (The Democrats are no better, as we all well know – witness what is going on in Florida.)
The only option is to pass muscular legislation and use every bit of leverage Senate leadership and the president have to arm-twist Corker and Flake into supporting the legislation rather than make their parting gift to the GOP Congress a nuclear bomb in the GOP’s lap. I think Flake at least has been offered a lucrative post-Senate job by liberals. He should be offered a better job if that might work. Bribery? Sure – the Dems do it every day.
GOP margins of victory in this election were razor-thin. With continued overwhelming immigration, they will get thinner and thinner. As Democrats have said, “demographics is destiny.” Do you realize that because of massive immigration, both legal and illegal, that has occurred over the past 18 years, many states are rapidly becoming minority-majority states?
Texas is already there. The Hispanic population currently exceeds that of non-Hispanic whites, who now constitute only 40.3 percent of the electorate. (Note: All tables in this article provide statistics for non-Hispanic whites, blacks, and other.) And because Hispanics typically vote about 70 percent Democrat (69 percent in 2018), the only things keeping Texas red are (1) low turnout among Hispanics and other minorities and (2) a large proportion of illegal aliens who mostly don’t vote. The “other” category almost quadrupled since 2000. Under President Obama, Texas surpassed California as the largest refugee resettlement state, but many more categories of immigrant settled in the Lone Star State also.
Texas Population 2000 & 2018 |
White |
Hispanic |
Black |
Other |
Total |
2000 |
11,074,716 |
6,669,666 |
2,364,255 |
743,183 |
20,851,820 |
% Total |
53.1% |
32.0% |
11.3% |
3.6% |
100.0% |
2018 |
11,826,470 |
12,181,167 |
3,348,098 |
2,010,744 |
29,366,479 |
% Total |
40.3% |
41.5% |
11.4% |
6.8% |
100.0% |
Democrats have already mounted a full-throated effort to register low-turnout minorities and non-citizens. If Texas goes blue, there will never be another GOP president elected. That Texas is on a razor-thin margin was borne out by the relatively close election between conservative stalwart Ted Cruz and the unknown socialist skateboarding adolescent, “Beto” O’Rourke. “Beto” allegedly lost some votes because some of his supporters were too stupid to know that his real name, as printed on the ballots, is Robert.
Cruz won with 50.9 percent of the vote to O’Rourke’s 48.3 percent. Among Latinos, O’Rourke took 64 percent, while Cruz got 35 percent. Overall,minorities went for Beto 69 percent to 31 percent.
How about Arizona? In the race for the U.S. Senate, it seems impossible that Kyrsten Sinema, a Democrat who openly expressed her contempt for average Arizonans and said she had no problem with Americans fighting for the Talibanin Afghanistan, could successfully challenge Rep. Martha McSally, the first female combat pilot, who rose to the rank of colonel during her Air Force career. Kelli Ward was probably a better candidate, but as usual, the GOP backed the moderate, and with Arpaio in the race, the conservative vote was split. Still, are you kidding me? Krysten Sinema? Look at the stats and see why.
Arizona Population 2000 & 2017 |
White |
Hispanic |
Black |
Other |
Total |
2000 |
3,274,258 |
1,295,617 |
149,941 |
410,816 |
5,130,632 |
% Total |
63.8% |
25.3% |
2.9% |
8.0% |
100.0% |
2017 |
3,836,639 |
2,202,173 |
290,379 |
687,079 |
7,016,270 |
% Total |
54.7% |
31.4% |
4.1% |
9.8% |
100.0% |
Arizona’s Hispanic population jumped 54.5 percent between 2000 and 2018. The “Other” category, which includes refugees and people from all over the world, grew 178.4 percent. You can be sure the majority of these demographic shifts favor Democrats, or they would be screaming to the rafters to close our borders and halt immigration.
What about Florida? Have a look. The Hispanic population increased 76.6 percent. The “other” category increased 170.2 percent. The white population has barely changed, reducing it to a slim majority in the state.
Florida Population 2000 & 2017 |
White |
Hispanic |
Black |
Other |
Total |
2000 |
10,458,509 |
2,682,715 |
2,264,268 |
576,886 |
15,982,378 |
% Total |
65.4% |
16.8% |
14.2% |
3.6% |
100.0% |
2017 |
11,288,419 |
5,370,860 |
3,224,452 |
1,100,669 |
20,984,400 |
% Total |
53.8% |
25.6% |
15.4% |
5.2% |
100.0% |
These things are happening all over the country. Simmering on the back burner for decades, the Democrats’ open-borders policies are stealing our nation before our eyes. We are right down to the wire.
U.S. Population 2000 & 2017 |
White |
Hispanic |
Black |
Other |
Total |
2000 |
194,552,774 |
35,305,818 |
33,947,837 |
17,615,477 |
281,421,906 |
%Total |
69.1% |
12.5% |
12.1% |
6.3% |
100.0% |
2017 |
197,285,202 |
58,846,134 |
40,129,593 |
29,458,249 |
325,719,178 |
%Total |
60.6% |
18.1% |
12.3% |
9.0% |
100.0% |
Finally, be sure that no matter how much the Democrats spent this year, much more will be spent in 2020. The secretive mega-donor Democracy Alliance met last week in D.C. to discuss this issue, noting especially the benefits that immigration and the increasingly leftist youth vote promises for the desired “permanent progressive majority.” They have the money and will flood the elections with it.
Do you want the free, prosperous, and stable country we once knew and loved, or do you want one corrupt from top to bottom, riven with chaos and division, where your income is confiscated to further engorge the left with your hard-earned dollars, while your freedoms vanish in thin air, all enforced by vicious Antifa street mobs? Time to take off the gloves. Our nation is at risk, right now! Demand that Congress man-up. Seal the border, and let the chief executive enforce the law!