Posted in News

Does Sen. Gillibrand Know this About ICE?

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code In recent days, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand while wanting to shut down ICE and ‘re-imagine’ the agency, has tweeted about…

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Posted in Illegal Immigration

Facts on CARA and Pueblo Sin Fronteras

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code In Spring 2018, hundreds of migrants from Central America approached the U.S.-Mexico border seeking asylum in the United States…

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Posted in 2018 Election Anti-Trump Featured Headline North America Rainbow Conspiracy Red Reps Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers

‘Maoist’ Network Backing Espy’s Mississippi Senate Race Operates ‘Under the Radar’

By Trevor Loudon EPOCH TIMES Mega-wealthy, far-left attorney Steve Phillips, through his political action committee PowerPAC+, is throwing huge sums of money and resources “under…

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