WHEN: Wednesday, August 15th, 7:00pm Eastern
WHERE: Your computer, Register here: https://tinyurl.com/ya4zkpvv
Three courageous women whose identities may be hidden for security purposes, express their concern about the increased Sharia saturation of America!
Former Muslims who have lived under Sharia. Tell their horrific personal stories as victims of rape, FGM, child marriage, honor killing attempts, polygamy, etc.
They will share their concerns for personal safety of every female, no matter the age, as the American justice systems looks the other way as has happened in Canada and Europe.
You will need to register in advance to attend. It will email you the link for final attendance. Once you get the link be sure to load the Zoom application (no cost to do this) prior to starting the webinar. Then you will be connected once the webinar has started.
We hope you will share this with anyone in your community, friends, family, and distribution. This webinar will be recorded and posted as a podcast once it’s completed.