By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton | NoisyRoom.net
Nestled in the heart of northeast Georgia lies Athens-Clarke County. Georgia has elected a stone-cold racist, radical Marxist to office who took the oath office not on a Bible, but on Malcolm X’s bio while giving a Black Power Fist salute. Mariah Parker is 26 and a hip-hop artist. She won her race by just 13 votes last month. Every vote does indeed matter and shame on Georgia for putting a communist and a racist in office.
Mariah Parker with her right fist raised, placed her left hand on the biography of the controversial Nation of Islam leader who was gunned down in 1965. Parker’s mother proudly held the worn paperback as Parker took the oath of office for the Athens-Clarke County Commission. She then took her seat among the other commissioners. The vote was 638 to 625 and took place on May 22nd.
Parker is also a Georgia doctoral candidate in linguistics and is also known by her hip-hop stage name, Lingua Franca. “My platform centers around economic and racial justice,” Parker told the Red & Black. “The policies of this town have been structured, deliberately, to ensure that a certain class of people will continue to thrive and a certain class of people will continue to not.” So, it wasn’t that the voters weren’t told exactly what this young comrade intended. They either didn’t care or didn’t take it seriously enough.
Meet Mariah Parker. The book she's swearing on is the autobiography of Malcolm X. The person holding the book is her mother. SHE WON BY THIRTEEN VOTES! Every. Vote. Matters!!!!! pic.twitter.com/HJUWcbx2pP
— GAFSJ (@AtlantaMarch) June 7, 2018
Parker told the Flagpole that the local black community suffers from lack of resources. “The racists have all the money, still, so it’s economically advantageous to cater to them,” she added to the Flagpole, which noted Parker’s top priority as a commissioner is earmarking 30 percent of Athens’ contracts for black- and Latino-owned companies. Tell me how that isn’t racist? Not to mention Marxist. Well done Georgia… you really screwed the pooch on this one. And it wasn’t just one ‘progressive’ candidate either.
From OnlineAthens:
Kelly Girtz took a commanding lead early and held it in voting for mayor in Athens-Clarke County Tuesday.
Voters ushered in what looks like a new era for Athens-Clarke County on Tuesday, setting the stage for a radically different local government come January, led by the man at the top of the ticket: Kelly Girtz.
Girtz took a commanding lead early and held it in voting for mayor Tuesday. In unofficial results, Girtz got 10,913 votes, 60.4 percent, nearly double the 5,495 total for Harry Sims and far outdistancing Richie Knight’s 1,658.
Girtz, the candidate favored by local political progressives, will preside over an Athens-Clarke Commission with a decidedly more progressive look as well.
The new commission will be more representative of Athens, said District 3 Commissioner Melissa Link, who easily won re-election.
“It’s a real sea change,” said Link after cruising to a second four-year term.
The progressives not only won, but most with big margins. In two races where runoffs seemed likely, the candidate endorsed by the Athens for Everyone organization got more votes than two others combined.
“I was surprised,” said Russell Edwards, who turned back two other candidates for the District 7 seat being vacated by Diane Bell. He had prepared for a runoff, holding much of his campaign back in anticipation of another round.
“I was prepared for a runoff, but we ran a solid campaign,” said Tim Denson, who defeated Jared Bailey, the incumbent, and Danielle Benson for the District 5 commission seat. “I definitely thought winning outright was a possibility; I wasn’t shocked by it.”
Link trounced challenger Tony Eubanks, 1,238 votes to 514, while in District 1, challenger Patrick Davenport unseated incumbent Sharyn Dickerson 1,531 to 1,100, according to unofficial results posted on the Georgia Secretary of State website.
In District 5, Denson got 51.9 percent of the vote to win, tallying 1,198 votes against 567 for Bailey and 543 for Benson.
District 7 winner Edwards took 700 votes, more than Carl Blount (421) and Bill Overend (132) combined.
Ovita Thornton easily turned back Tommy Valentine for the District 9 seat that Girtz is vacating, 748 to 441.
In the special election for Harry Sims’ unexpired term in the commission District 2 seat, Mariah Parker narrowly edged Taylor Pass, 638 to 625.
Looks like Georgia should have heeded Trevor Loudon’s warnings.
Girtz and all of the six winning commission candidates had been endorsed by Athens for Everyone, a group Denson and others formed several years ago to advocate for a more progressive agenda in Athens. They also wanted to get progressive candidates into office. Guess who they are connected to? That’s right… Democratic Socialists of America.
The Root is thrilled:
Parker also takes her place in a burgeoning movement of black, progressive candidates who eschew neoliberalism and embrace the so-called radical politics of economic and social empowerment for marginalized communities, aka power to the people.
The tattooed Parker ran as an unapologetic left-wing progressive saying, “It’s time for bold, progressive leadership in Athens.” “They asked if they would like the Bible and I said no. My mother asked if there was a copy of the Constitution around. No,” Parker told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “I wanted Malcolm’s book. I think they saw it coming,” she said. Ya think?
Parker added that Malcolm X is her role model:
Having seen the transformation of someone who came through a difficult background to become vocal and push conversations on race in a radical way is powerful. Then he shifted course and saw race in a different lens as he got older. And the fact that he was arguably killed for his politics. These are things that I want to embrace.
Malcolm’s willingness to uneditedly speak about black people at large, are qualities that I want to embody. To speak out when I see things going wrong.
Per PJ Media, the issues page of her website demonstrate just how far left her ideas actually are. She advocates for fare-free public transit and seeks to add full sidewalks and bike lanes to every street in Athens-Clarke County. She pledges to push for “affordable housing” throughout the county, all while somehow keeping property taxes from going up.
Her question-and-answer session with Athens for Everyone reveals even wilder leftist positions. She favors a ban on single-use plastic bags and rails against the student apartments that have sprung up all around the UGA campus. She has declared war on the state policies that, in her own words, hurt “working women and LGBTQ communities– groups to which I also belong– as well as on Latinx, immigrant communities, and the disabled.” Discrimination and poverty are her largest pet issues, as evidenced by the closing statement in her Athens for Everyone interview:
Though my every policy position is oriented toward the alleviation of poverty, people of color have been purposefully kept poor by discriminatory practices and unjust economic policy, thus the end of poverty and discrimination are inextricably intertwined as my two most important foci as commissioner.
Which is ironic, because she is a racist that hates not only white people and the wealthy who have earned what they have, but police officers as well. When she speaks of discrimination, she is only referring to everyone who is not white. These are the leaders that the Democratic Socialists of America are pushing on Americans and if we don’t fight back, they will be our new Marxist overlords. “Power to the people!” my ass. More like, “Communism for all!”
I lived in Athens for 14 yrs. There is a deeply entrenched red guard of White Lefties there. Most call themselves progressives. They liked Obama but thought he was a Moderate. When Bill Ayers came there to speak, he was treated like a rock star. Many of these leftists are associated with the university or with public education. Most see things through the Marxist Dialectic–noble poor versus evil white capitalists. Yes, there is much white guilt and virtue signalling. The very mention of the word Trump is a trigger.
Boy, the Leftist commies always accuse the right of time traveling back to the 50’s.
But this Angela Davis clone thinks she’s in the 60’s.
What I don’t understand is Athens is majority white. They must be those guilty white libs. God help us.
Oh boy — useful idiots on parade — channeling Angela Davis thinking that she’s pursuing “social justice.”
Memo to Ms. Parker: it’s 2018, not 1968.
“Flow it, show it
Long as God can grow it