By: Denise Simon | Founders Code
Bin Qumu was in Afghanistan in the 80’s, then Sudan in the 90’s and back to Libya and Afghanistan and back to Libya. In 2011, he was working to overthrow Qaddafi, which is precisely what Hillary was trying to do. Heck, the Hillary operation hired bin Qumu. For an interesting read, click here to read his GITMO file. That pesky left wing radical law group, The Center for Constitutional Rights, that represented several GITMO detainees, published a statement in 2011 that bin Qumu was a harmless man.
Osama Bin Laden’s driver who was linked to 2012 Benghazi attack that killed a US diplomat ‘is captured in Libya’, 11 years after he was released from Guantanamo
- Reports: Libya National Army have captured a ‘high-ranking al-Qaeda’ operative
- Suspect found in Derna is named as Ansar al-Sharia leader Abu Sufian Bin Qumu
- Bin Qumu was once personal driver to al-Qaeda founder Osama Bin Laden
- He has links to the diplomatic compound attack by gunmen that killed US envoy Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi in 2012
Reports have emerged that the Libyan army has arrested Abu Sufian Bin Qumu, a leader of an Islamist militia group and former driver of Osama Bin Laden.
He was reportedly captured in raids in ‘one of the last strongholds’ of extremist groups in Derna.
Bin Qumu had purported links to attacks in Benghazi that killed US diplomat Chris Stevens in 2012.
It is believed Bin Qumu was arrested after his group ran out of ammunition at a hideout in Derna, according to Al Arabiya.
The 59-year-old is considered a high-ranking operative of al-Qaeda based on his associations with the terrorist group around the time it was founded.
He was said to be the personal driver to Osama Bin Laden in Sudan where the al-Qaeda leader lived for three years during the 1990s. But Bin Qumu denies this.
Washington Post reported he fought alongside the Taliban against US forces in Afghanistan before he was detained at Guantanamo Bay after being captured in Pakistan.
The US military characterised him as a ‘medium to high’ risk to national security while he was in US custody and he refused to cooperate with authorities and explain his past associations with Islamic extremists.
He was extradited to Libya in 2007 where he served jail time before being released by Muammar Gaddafi.
Bin Qama returned to Derna to establish the Ansar al-Sharia extremist group, who advocate the implementation of Sharia law across Syria.
It was also suggested by Washington Post that the Islamic faction’s militiamen were present during the Benghazi attacks in 2012.
Last year, Ahmed Abu Khattala was on trial in the US capital as the suspected mastermind of the attacks on a diplomatic compound in the Libyan city that killed four Americans.
It resulted in the death of Chris Stevens — the first US Ambassador killed by violence overseas since 1979.
Al Arabiya said Bin Qama, despite being a leader of Ansar al-Sharia, no longer played a prominent role in the group.
He is set to be questioned by the Libyan National Army according to reports.