Dwight Welch, is the Pastor at United Church of Norman, UCC, Oklahoma and is also an Adjunct Professor at Oklahoma City Community College.
Welch studied Theology at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis as a MDiv. student with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). He also serves as a student pastor at First Christian in Sheridan, Indiana and did graduate work in philosophy while serving as a campus minister at University Christian Ministries at Southern Illinois University.
Dwight Welch is also a committed Marxist with a “progressive theological reflection on the relationship of God and the good in life.”
While studying in Indiana, Welch attended the Socialist Party USA National Convention, held at the Gateway Hilton, St. Louis, Missouri, October 19-21, 2007.
In 2009, Dwight Welch served as Secretary to the Central Indiana Democratic Socialists of America.
Today Dwight Welch is an active member of the newly founded Oklahoma City Democratic Socialists.
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