Trevor Loudon condemns #Berkeley thugs: Both sides

The “so-called Trump supporters” involved in recent violence in Berkeley are a complete disgrace.

This is an example of a photo being used to discredit President Trump and his supporters via

There is no doubt that the Antifa people are violent, anti-American cowards. But to march into their “turf” knowing the results would be televised worldwide and inevitably be used to discredit the President’s multitude of decent and responsible supporters, was completely reprehensible.

Full disclosure. I opposed candidate Donald Trump until the last possible minute. After his inauguration, I backed him at several public speeches up until the election, as the only viable alternative to Hillary Clinton.

Since the election, I have also enthusiastically supported President Trump in several public speeches and issued a video America Under Siege:Civil War 2017, exposing the communist and foreign connections of the Anti-Trump protest movement. I supported the recent round of pro-Trump rallies around the country, and was asked to address one of them. I sadly had to decline because I was out of the country at the time.

That said, I am completely disgusted by the behavior of the violent “protesters” who are self proclaimed “Trump supporters” at the now infamous rally in Berkeley.

Was this a rally of peaceful Trump supporters? Or, was it a bunch of thugs looking for a fight? It was in my opinion a deliberate provocation by people who put their own egos above the cause of liberty.

Here are some predictable examples of how leftists are using video from Berkeley to vilify President Trump and his supporters:

These Trump “supporters” have damaged the Trump presidency and have presented every combative journalist around the planet with a perfect weapon to discredit the cause.

The pen is mightier than the sword. Liberty and the Constitution will be restored peacefully in this country…or they will not be restored at all.


Author: Trevor

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