Trump’s Incoherent, Inconsistent, Russian-Loving Foreign Policy

By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton |

Trump Foreign

Far be it from me to agreed with a Marxist, but CNN’s Fareed Zakaria did a great job listing just how incoherent and inconsistent Donald Trump’s foreign policy is.

He listed everything except for the gem where Trump touted that 9/11 was a tragedy because Italians died in it.

Trump used a prepared speech and teleprompters yesterday. He mispronounced ‘Tasmania’ and stumbled left and right. He talked about reducing weapon stockpiles. He talked about not getting in further conflicts, but he would still defeat ISIS. That makes no sense. He chooses a slogan of ‘America First!’ that was a slogan in the 1930’s for the Nazis in America to keep us from fighting the Germans. No one knows how to use Google in the Trump camp evidently. He also talks about the Cold War ending… it never did… it shifted. Trump’s speech was a disaster all in itself.

My friend Denise Simon noted several things yesterday… I have no doubt that Donald Trump is firmly in bed with Russia. He had the Russian Ambassador sitting in the front row of his speech. He has a campaign manager who represented Russian interests. He has foreign policy advisers that are friendly to Russia. Trump himself is fond of Putin and can ‘negotiate’ with him. You see, Trump is even more flexible than Obama was.

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