In the aftermath of the violent 5000-person protest that caused GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump to cancel his March 11th campaign appearance on the campus of the University of Illinois, Steff Yorek, the political secretary of the radical Maoist Freedom Road Socialist Organization – FightBack!, urged communists all over the country to follow Chicago’s example.
As previously reported at, radical left-wing activists have been targeting Trump rallies.
“We need two, three, many Chicagos,” said Yorek. “Trump is an open advocate of racism and national chauvinism. Forcing Trump to chicken out of his Chicago campaign appearance was a real victory. Chicago protesters of all nationalities sent a message to the world, that here in the U.S. there is widespread and militant opposition to his reactionary agenda.”
Minnesota-based Yorek made national news September 24, 2010, when the F.B.I. raided the homes of twelve Freedom Roaders and supporters, looking for links to foreign terrorist organizations, mainly in Latin America and the Middle East.
Steff Yorek was one of those whose home was raided. She has been active in the “movements for peace and justice” since she became involved in protests against the Persian Gulf War in 1991 as a student.
It is important to expose the several communist groups now coalescing to seriously disrupt the Republican Presidential campaign, whoever is the front-runner.
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