By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton | NoisyRoom.net
It was a hot time in the old town the other night in Chicago. Donald Trump was scheduled to speak at a rally there with thousands in attendance. That rally had to be cancelled because thousands of violent protesters showed up. Many had tickets to the event. The protest seems to have been organized by MoveOn.org, Bill Ayers and Code Pink. CPUSA, Illinois Coalition of Immigrant and Refugee Rights and ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) also had a hand in it. George Soros has invested approximately $15 million to stage protests like this one to ensure a Clinton victory in November. Troops on the ground included La Raza, the Black Lives Matter movement, the Nation of Islam and the New Black Panthers. It was a who’s who of anarchists, extremists, radicals and freaks. Trump never even arrived at the event. He told the attendees to disperse and go in peace. Unfortunately, it did not go down that way. The decision to cancel the event was Trump’s and was not a recommendation from the police. I say he made the right call on this one.
Bernie Sanders of course blamed Trump, which is just ridiculous. Donald Trump has a right to free speech. The protesters also have a right to protest, but peacefully. They weren’t doing that, so the police should have dispersed them. This is what Sanders had to say:
“As is the case virtually every day, Donald Trump is showing the American people that he is a pathological liar,” Sanders wrote. “Obviously, while I appreciate that we had supporters at Trump’s rally in Chicago, our campaign did not organize the protests. What caused the protests at Trump’s rally is a candidate that has promoted hatred and division against Latinos, Muslims, women, and people with disabilities, and his birther attacks against the legitimacy of President Obama. What caused the violence at Trump’s rally is a campaign whose words and actions have encouraged it on the part of his supporters.”