Our Weasels Of The Week Nominees! – 02/09/16

The Watcher’s Council


It’s time once again for the Watcher’s Council’s ‘Weasel Of The Week’ nominations, where we pick our choices to compete for the award of the famed Golden Weasel to a public figure who particularly deserves to be slimed and mocked for his or her dastardly deeds during the week. Every Tuesday morning, tune in for the Weasel of the Week nominations!

Here are this weeks’ nominees…

Superbowl Duo Beyonce and Mooch-elle Obama!!

The Noisy Room: My nomination goes to a duo… Michelle Obama and Beyonce. I think I may gag. I watched Beyonce’s new video released for the Superbowl halftime show in honor of Black Lives Matter. It is the raunchiest, most vile, racist piece of crap I have ever seen and that’s saying something. No wonder Michelle Obama loves it and adores Beyonce. She dressed for Beyonce’s approval of all things. I can’t repeat here what I think of both of them. CBS did an interview with the Obama’s that was inane and nothing short of a sickening lovefest. And it gets worse… Mooch dressed in all black, ostensibly in symbolic allegiance with the Black Panthers and blacks in general. Americans are outraged that the Super Bowl halftime show was allowed to be hijacked for political purposes and given a racist, black power theme. But is anyone surprised? Me either.

Michelle Obama pretended that she cooked all day for the Superbowl event. Right. Color me highly skeptical. The Obamas made lovey eyes and cooed over each as if anyone believes that either. I found the interview contrived and sickening in the extreme. More media propaganda for the Obamas and another push at racism. The whole game yesterday was centered on race and Americans are sick to death of it. This is probably the phoniest political interview of all time. The media is simply beyond repair and I can’t wait for these Marxists to get the boot. It will take a long time to undo the damage and the racism issue will take years to heal. This is why I didn’t watch the Superbowl yesterday and I’m sure why millions of others tuned it out as well. We just can’t take it anymore. No wonder the police turned their backs on Beyonce’s performance. It was disgraceful. Both Mooch’s interview and Beyonce’s video make them über worthy of a golden weasel.

The Ultra-sensitive Baby Killing Warriors At NARAL!!

The Right Planet: My nominee for Weasel of the Week would have to be the far-left, militant pro-abortion group NARAL (National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League) for their epic intersectional meltdown on Twitter over a Doritos Super Bowl ad that featured a pregnant woman receiving an ultrasound. NARAL was severely “microaggressed” over the Dororitos commercial for deploying the ever-dreaded “antichoice” tactic of “humanizing fetuses.” Apparently human fetuses are too humany, or something.

Oh, but it didn’t end there, oh dear masses. The perpetually aggrieved social justice warriors at NARAL also took great umbrage over the blatant patriarchal oppression embedded in a Hyundai ad. Additionally, NARAL called out Snickers for their despicable “transphobic” objectification of women. Will the exploitation and oppression ever end?


Personally, I think NARAL needs to chillax and eat a Snickers. They’re delicious, and gender-neutral … not to mention nutty. Just like NARAL.

Nice Deb: I nominate NARAL for going on an unhinged Twitter rampage during the Super Bowl over the commercials.

During the big game yesterday, NARAL’s Twitter account “live-tweeted” reactions to the highly anticipated Super Bowl commercials, exposing themselves yet again to be the angry, humorless scolds we all know them to be. The pro-abortion outfit chastised advertisers over the most micro of “microaggressions” and their SJW followers on Twitter retweeted their complaints.

In their most absurd Tweet, they attacked Doritos for showing an Ultrasound image image of a baby.

The Doritos ad in question showed a father eating Doritos while his pregnant wife received an ultrasound. The baby reacts strongly to the Doritos whenever Dad gets close with a chip. At the end, the baby physically launches itself out of the womb to try to get Doritos.

NARAL denounced the Doritos ad for using the ” #antichoice tactic of humanizing fetuses & sexist tropes of dads as clueless & moms as uptight.”

That’s right, they were upset because Doritos had the presumption to characterize a human baby as…human.

These abortion fanatics are particularly soulless and ghoulish weasels – but weasels nonetheless.

Defender of the Faith, President Barack Hussein Obama!!

The Daley Gator: President Obama went to a mosque, not a big deal except that the mosque he gave a speech from  has some issues.

Well, there it is. What a despicable group of Weasels… ANY OF THEM COULD WIN! Check back Thursday to see which Weasel walks off with the statuette of shame!

Make sure to tune in every Monday for the Watcher’s Forum.

And remember, every Wednesday, the Council has its weekly contest with the members nominating two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council. The votes are cast by the Council and the results are posted onFriday morning.

It’s a weekly magazine of some of the best stuff written in the blogosphere and you won’t want to miss it…or any of the other fantabulous Watcher’s Council content.

And don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter… ’cause we’re cool like that, y’know?


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1 thought on “Our Weasels Of The Week Nominees! – 02/09/16

  1. Dennis Prager did a good breakdown of the entire speech Obama spewed out at the mosque. It’s on Truth Revolt and worth reading.

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