Posted in Barack Obama Liberty Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers

Our Watcher’s Council Nominations – Hitting The Jackpot Edition

The Watcher’s Council Welcome to the Watcher’s Council, a blogging group consisting of some of the most incisive blogs in the ‘sphere and the longest…

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Posted in 2016 Election

WATCH: Ted Cruz, Faith in Action (video)

Hat tip: Kayla Wiley “Recently, Senator Ted Cruz sat down with over 100 pastors and faith leaders to talk about how his Christian faith has shaped…

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Posted in Liberty North America

Trump | Afterburner With Bill Whittle

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Former colleague on Ted Cruz: ‘he is uniquely the right person to lead America at this time in its history’

A Washington, DC attorney who has worked closely with presidential candidate Ted Cruz wrote a detailed article about his personal experience with the man seeking…

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Posted in Liberty North America

Is Ted Cruz The Answer?

By: Lloyd Marcus Folks, my political activism is not rooted in winning elections at all cost. It is about preserving who I grew up thinking…

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