By: Cliff Kincaid
America’s Survival
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is about the vote to let the Arabs, Russians and Chinese buy U.S. radio and TV licenses and force conservative broadcasters off the air. Jerry Kenney and Cliff Kincaid discuss the critical deadline coming up for public comment on this treasonous change in the law on foreign ownership of the U.S. media. The public must act now.
No doubt it is difficult and complex by design.
Here are some links:
Where it says “Proceeding Number:” at the top, put in 15-137
My comment is this,
“I am strongly against the implementation of FCC rule number 15-137. Allowing communications from foreign entities are clearly going to be tailored to the interests of the originating country. Americans naturally assume that radio / television broadcasts and other forms of “American” communications are indeed coming from Americans. In fact, it is unlikely that the vast majority of Americans consider that anyone outside of America is running American media. There are clear and obvious security concerns with this policy. Additionally, some believe that allowing foreign intervention into American media will set the stage for silencing “politically incorrect” viewpoints.
I believe that a public hearing needs to take place on rule number 15-137.”
LINK TO A BLOG POST by Commissioner Michael O’Rielly:
There is already an allowance of 25% foreign ownership “in a U.S. entity that controls, directly or indirectly, a U.S. radio licensee…”
O’Reilly says in part: “What we need is to get the ball rolling by setting rules and policies that affirmatively permit foreign ownership above the 25 percent cap once and for all.”
All American people have to do to stop ALL this obama commie, Marxist plan is VOTE FOR TRUMP, and pile all these obama created problems on his plate, I am sure he can fix it in eight years !!!
I would like to comment on the FCC regulation 15 -137 but found the FCC website impossible to navigate. Is there a specific web address that can be linked here or at
If we are to act and inform our friends, it would be very helpful.
Thank you,
just spent too much time trying to find link to protest this but got nowhere. what a mess!
Renee – feel free to comment here or you can go to America’s Survival:
Thanks Terresa – I am just going through the FCC website trying to find the regulation on which to comment. It is not easy to navigate the government website (no surprise there.)
Why do you refuse to provide us with a link to the FCC site so we can oppose foreign ownership instead of just posting comments here? Link to americasurvival is useless.
A link to where we can comment would be very helpful.