Report: ‘Planned Parenthood shooting’ started at Chase bank

colorado-shooterSeveral people have been injured and University of Colorado police officer Garrett Swasey, 44, along with two unnamed civilians have been murdered by a man identified as Robert Lewis Dear, 59, in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

The motive has not yet been released, but that has not stopped numerous media outlets from speculating that the proximity of the shooting to abortion provider Planned Parenthood had something to do with the rampage. CNN, for example, wanted readers to know that Planned Parenthood has been “a target in the past.”

But the Colorado Springs Gazette reported at 1:34 p.m.:

Colorado Springs police says there is no connection to Planned Parenthood and shooting victims are getting treatment.

Additionally, it is not clear where the shooting started. The Denver Post reported that at 11:40 a.m., “the Colorado Springs police scanner began to erupt. ‘They are advising someone in the parking lot is shooting,’ a dispatcher hollered, according to archives captured on ‘Actually we are getting several more calls now.'”

Jennifer Mascia, a “staff writer” for an anti-Second Amendment publication tweeted “All the shooting went down at the Chase bank,” which is next door to Planned Parenthood, a witness said on #MSNBC.”

While Robert Lewis Dear’s motive remains unknown, the location of where the shooting began would certainly be a helpful albeit non-definitive clue.


Author: renee nal

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5 thoughts on “Report: ‘Planned Parenthood shooting’ started at Chase bank

  1. It’s so strange that he would storm a bank, and while not shooting anyone there, mutter about “no more baby body parts.” But, you know, whatever.

  2. Fox News Sunday opened its 3:00 pm with a report on the Colorado Springs massacre, but it was only Planned Parenthood which was mentioned. Not a word about the violence and killing began at the Chase Bank, not at the Planned Parenthood location which happened afterwards. It seems that Fox News cares more about their status as a MSN contender, than doing their journalistic job of giving as much of the basic facts which have actually been uncovered. Our thanks to Trevor Loudon and all who have made relevant comments.

  3. I had read yesterday that the shooting began at Chase Bank, but that was quickly overridden by the msm, and even Fox, broadcasting as fact what they were actually assuming to be fact. Ugh. No wonder I don’t watch TV.

  4. This is the media (including Fox News— which I watched for nearly four and a half hours) posturing for their Narrative of the situation, and forget the facts… we won’t know the actual facts of the situation until the police have finished their investigation…

    Thanks again Trevor for a good post.

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