Make Michigan Shariah-Free

By: Merrill McCarthy


The governor of Michigan has finally called a halt to his open door policy for soldiers of Islam. It may be a temporary move to stop the outraged cries of citizens, but it is a move in the right direction.

Now is not the time to sit back and relax. The threat is far from extinguished. Now is the time for thoughtful examination of the problem and for making an appropriate action plan to safeguard Michigan citizens. The rights and security of our citizens must be honored above all.

It makes no sense to import people who follow Shariah, which is in direct conflict with the Constitution of the United States.


It is as simple as that. All the pro-immigration talk is fine as long as the immigrants are not a threat to the very foundation of this country. Muslims, by definition, follow Shariah. So, why do we keep bringing more in to clash with our value system? Why have we established Shariahvilles under the guise of diversity, social justice, or economic development?

The global agenda to transform Michigan and the rest of the United States must be stopped in its tracks. It is sad to think that it took the Paris terrorist attack to get our attention, but now that more are waking up, let’s do something positive in honor of those lives lost.

We have centuries of history to study to know the game plan of Islam. Muslims are controlled by Islamic Law, Shariah, for total obedience and submission to Islam; these conquerors spread through the world to make sure everyone converts or is killed. The goal is always total submission.

How many times do we need to refute the phony claim that it is only the radical Muslim we must fear? No, Islam is Islam and Shariah determines every aspect of a Muslim’s life. Just ask a persecuted Christian in the Middle East about “moderate” Muslims. One such woman now living in Michigan relates that her Christian relatives had been betrayed by their Muslim neighbors. When ISIS came around to root out Christians, the very Muslim neighbors whose children played with Christian children, who took supper together in Christian homes and attended family events in each other’s homes, turned them in. The Christians in that village who were lucky enough to escape with their lives returned later to find their homes taken over by their Muslim former neighbors.

The exiled Archbishop of Mosul has a dire warning for us:

“… You will become the victims of the enemy you have allowed in your home”


Displaced persecuted Christians should be at the head of the line for Refugee Resettlement (RR); so why are we bringing in mostly Muslim immigrants? Why are we not focusing on helping the persecuted Christians who need our help? Is it because the RR program does not reflect our values since it is the Organization-for-Islamic-Cooperation-dominated-UN’s agenda? Is it because the Global Elite want to transform the US and undermine the very institutions that have made us a beacon of individual freedom for the rest of the world?

Whatever the reason for the current situation, it is time to return control of U.S. Immigration policy to the U.S. rather than the UN. The interests of our citizens come first. If Muslims are looking for a country to welcome them, they should restrict their search to the countries that practice Shariah. The U.S. should be a Shariah-free zone. Shariah is not compatible with the U.S. constitution. No more accommodations. No more acceptance of the ideological political movement that is Islam. No more keeping up the pretense that Islam is a religion on equal footing with Christianity or Judaism.

It is time to speak the truth about Islam, this political wolf of conquest in the sheepskin of a peaceful religion.


Islam is a political movement with long range plans to take over the U.S. from within. They will succeed if we let them. We must not welcome them in to destroy us.

If we are looking for immigrants to help populate our dying cities, let us find people who want to embrace our way of life and the freedoms afforded by our Constitutional Republic. There are plenty of people worldwide who still want to come here for the right reasons. These will not be the people who practice Shariah. It is time to remove the welcome mat for anyone who is guided by Shariah. Michigan, as well as the rest of this country, should be a Shariah-free zone.


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