Free North Korea Now!

America’s Survival

North Korea Freedom Foundation

Suzanne Scholte of the North Korea Freedom Coalition says the Communist North Korean regime, which is supported by China and Russia, fears the free flow of information and Christianity. “We are fighting against an evil regime,” she says. Scholte, who also runs the Defense Forum Foundation, sponsors Free North Korea Radio, a short wave radio project to bring the truth to the people of the communist north. Scholte’s group also supports balloon launches into North Korea that drop leaflets, radios, and even movies to the people held captive by the north. The Obama Administration cut off federal funding for the radio project but Scholte has arranged private funding for the project. North Korea and China are both trying to jam the broadcasts. Scholte works with North Korean defectors who have documented the brutality and cruelty of the regime and its fear of Christianity. “This is the only country in the world that doesn’t acknowledge even a single human right,” she says of the North Korean regime. People fleeing North Korea through China are often returned by the Chinese communists to be tortured or killed. Even the United Nations has documented the crimes against humanity by the regime. However, both Communist China and Russia still back the North Korean regime today. Plus, North Korea works closely with other countries such as Iran and Cuba. Scholte urges (1) congressional passage of a North Korean sanctions bill (H.R. 757) that will cut off flows of money to the regime and (2) formation of a South Korean tribunal to prosecute North Korean officials for human rights violations.


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